Chapter Two~ Adrian

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A/N chapter two. Let's discuss Adrian then.

"I swear that boy is in love with you," Helen said, immediately dropping down onto Adrian's bed and kicking her feet up against the wall.

Adrian stood in his doorway a moment longer, looking around his room, and then over his shoulder to the empty hallway. "You know you're not supposed to come here anymore," he said, stepping into his room and trying to be as quiet as possible as he shut his door. "My parent's don't like you".

Helen and Adrian had been inseparable for the past six years of their lives. Even when they were at separate schools, since she was a grade above him, they were always over at one another's houses after they were free from the confinements of education. She had been there through it all, and was his main center of support. Because of this, and many other reasons, Adrian's parents had a strong distaste for Helen and would kick her out every time she entered the premises with their knowledge.

"You're parents don't like you either, but you get to stay here," El pointed out, and Adrian groaned.

It was true. Since he had come out to his parents, three years ago, they had yet to meet his eyes. They (mostly his mother) still acted as his parents, driving him to his concerts and lessons, but that was only so people didn't assume that they were actually horrible people.

"Well, you can't stay. I'm going out". Adrian moved to his dresser, pulling out an even tighter pair of jeans than he was already wearing and throwing them at Helen before digging through a different drawer for a clean shirt.

"With David?" She asked, and Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Don't say his name like that," he said, but it had no fire.

"You're not fun outside of school". His best friend pouted when she said this and he sighed.

"That's because I'm not happy when I'm out of school". This was true. Being in school, surrounded by his friends, he was happy, but the second he got home, all he had were parents who rarely talked to him and a cat who couldn't. Adrian began pushing his pink skinny jeans down his legs and Helen smiled.

"I bet Ezra would like to see this," he rolled his eyes at her comment. "Come on, Dri. He's been obsessed with you since he first saw you. Him hating you is just his way of lying to himself about loving you".

Adrian shrugged. "Maybe, but I really don't think so". He really didn't, but since Helen brought him up he couldn't help but to think about the boy in question.

Ezra was strange. Most people just automatically liked Adrian. He was a happy person (when he wasn't at home), bubbly and kind and smart. But Ezra, for some reason, just didn't like any of that. Adrian would have thought he was attractive if Ezra wasn't scowling at him all of the time. Such a shame. The boy had beautiful eyes, that were green some days and blue others. He was tall, over six feet for sure, and his hair was a brown color that got lightened by the sun. Adrian's favorite part about him though was the cluster of freckles that were splashed across his face, beautiful marks that proved the sun loved him. Okay... so maybe Adrian still found him quite attractive.

"You haven't been paying attention then. He stares at you all of the time. I hear his friends teasing him about it in the hallways so he doesn't act that way around everyone-"

"Oh great. So now I'm not only a boy he hates, but I'm the only boy he hates".

"Oh shut up. No one could hate you. You're too pretty". This was a stupid argument, but he was prettier than most boys. Hell. Adrian was prettier than the majority of girls too. His hair was chocolate brown and straight, and he found pleasure in clipping it back out of his eyes so he didn't need to get his bangs cut every other day. His eyes were wideish and brown, and the lashes around them often made women jealous. Pink lips, white teeth. All soft, somewhat feminine features. He was okay with all of this about himself.

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