Chapter Four~ Ezra

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Spencer had been looking at him expectantly since they sat down at the lunch table (so for the past twenty minutes), and it was making it quite hard for Ezra to focus on eating. "Jesus man, what?" He finally asked, and the entire team, sitting at the table around them, looked over. Ezra ducked his head.

Since what had happened over the weekend, he had yet to meet any of their eyes. He knew that Adrian said it wasn't a big deal, and he would forget about it, but Ezra found that he just couldn't. Everything from the night was still in his head. He could clearly remember everything. How it had felt to move inside of the other. How smooth his skin had felt under his palms. The noises that Adrian had made as his body shook against his. All of the memories were stuck in Ezra's head, and what truly scared him was the feeling he experienced whenever he thought of doing it again.

It was these feelings that made him feel ashamed. Too ashamed to meet the eyes of his team mates.

    Ezra glanced over at Adrian's usual lunch table to find it empty except for a rather pretty blonde by herself, earbuds in as she looked down at the textbook in front of her. Ezra wondered who she was, remembering seeing her and Adrian in the halls together.

    "Ez, I asked you why you are such a cock". Spencer's words took a moment to process in Ezra's head, but when they did he furrowed his eyebrows at his friend.

    "What?" Spencer looked amused as he dipped a french fry in ketchup and ate it slowly. School food was disgusting. "I'm a what?"

    "A dick". This didn't make any sense to Ezra, especially since his friend didn't even seem to be mad. He glanced at Landon, who was sitting to his right, and the other shrugged at him, also clearly confused. "Saturday".

    Ezra thought back to that day for a second longer, and he felt his face heat as his entire body tensed. "What about it?"

    "You know!" Spencer exclaimed, "I can tell by the color of your face. You know what you did to me!"

    Ezra thought for a moment. Since Spencer could have no idea of what he and Adrian had done on Saturday night, he could only be referring to one thing. The phone call when he told Spencer that he couldn't join him at his house. "Because I wouldn't let you come over? I was busy, I told you that-"

    "You blew me off for a girl!" Spencer exclaimed, and the entire table, including some surrounding tables, looked incredibly interested in the conversation. Ezra blinked in surprise at his friend who seemed so sure of himself.


    "I heard you! I came over to your house-"

    Ezra was in shock but managed a loud, "I told you not to!"

    "And I could hear it from outside! Ezra, Harder. Ezra, more," Spencer imitated, and Ezra felt his cheeks flame as he glared at his friend. He was incredibly thankful at that moment that Adrian's voice was higher pitched. Into the couch. By him. So good-

    "You don't know what you're talking about," Ezra said, drawing his attention to the unappealing salad on his plate and trying to ignore all of the eyes he felt studying his face.

    "I know what sex sounds like-"

    "How would you know what sex sounds like?" Ezra snapped at his best friend, who to his knowledge had yet to lose his virginity. Spencer looked taken back and even somewhat panicked for a moment before he regained his composure.

    "Porn". Ezra rolled his eyes. "But that doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that I know what sex sounds like, and you were having it, when you were supposed to be hanging out with me". Ezra didn't know what to say to this, but Francis answered for him.

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