Chapter Twenty-Three~ Ezra

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Ezra wished he could watch the rest of the game through his fingers. Even though they had been ahead while he was ejected, Valley had caught up to the quickly, even without Caleb on the team. The current score was 2-3, and their coach told Spencer to get back out on the field, glaring at Ezra as he did so. Despite all of the looks he was getting, and he could honestly say he would do it again in a second.

What Caleb had said, about Adrian, that even though he protested at cried he had tried to continue on with it...Ezra still didn't want to think about it. What if it had happened? What if he had not only beaten Adrian, but raped him? What was Adrian thinking?

Why didn't Adrian call him?

That hurt the most.

After everything they had gone through, Adrian hadn't called him when he desperately needed help. Though Ezra couldn't blame him, since he was guilty for breaking up with the boy with little to no explanation only weeks into their amazing relationship, it bothered him that Adrian didn't call. It was like the sophomore thought that he hated him.

But he loved him.

Ezra could feel Adrian's eyes on his face the entire time he sat on that bench, but he didn't dare turn and look back at him. If he did he was afraid he'd be struck with anger once again and have to go do much more to Caleb than break his nose.

Spencer passed the ball to Landon, Landon back to Spencer, and then Spencer calculated his angle and kicked. The ball went through the legs of the goalie. 3-3. The crowd cheered. It was hard for them to get excited again once they watched the school's star player break someone's nose and get kicked out of the game, but now that Spencer was back in, they all back into it, supporting the team.

A Valley Falls kid recovered the ball, running it down the field. He got to the goal and kicked, but Francis easily blocked it and threw the ball to Spencer.

Ezra glanced at the scoreboard, more specifically, the time, and put his head in his hands. There was only about a minute left in the game, and watching it made him feel sick. He closed his eyes, listening to the reaction of the crowd to understand what was happening on the field.

For so long, this game had been all he cared about. He was going to win, as a senior, and the whole school would worship him. Springfield hadn't had a soccer team as good as the one now in a long time, and this was the only game they cared about winning.

He hoped that he hadn't ruined it for the whole school.

If the people on the bleachers behind him cheered, Spring Field had done something good. If the people on the bleachers on the other side of the field cheered, Valley Falls had the ball.

He kept his eyes closed for what felt like a very long time.

On the other side of the field, the crowd went wild. The announcer called the goal in for Valley Falls just as the time ran out on the clock. Ezra grimaced.

He didn't want to sound cocky, but they would have won if he was still in the game. But he wasn't, he had made his choice, Adrian over soccer, and for the first time since he and Adrian had split, he felt good. It was a choice that he'd just have to live with.

    Coach began screaming at him, his face red with furry. The team was slowly making their way off of the field to them. Ezra stared blankly ahead, not caring that he was being yelled at, or that all of his team members, even Spencer to some extent, were glaring at him. Ezra didn't care. The words were out of his mouth before he processed them, and then he paused, letting them sink in as everyone around them fell silent.

    "I quit". Spencer let out a very loud breath and Ezra focused his eyes on his best friend. "Are you okay with this?"

    Spencer bit his lip, looking around at their team mates before dropping his eyes and nodding. "You know how I feel, Ezra".

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