Epilogue~ Ezra

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Two Years Later

    "Have we missed him yet?" Spencer whispered and Ezra looked up from the stage to his best friend, who was taking the seat next to him, his hand holding Liam's. Ezra looked at where their hands clasped, his eyes studying the silver band around Liam's ring ringer that matched the one on Spencer's dominant hand, and smiled softly at the boy before looking back up to the stage.

"It hasn't even started". Ezra's right side was jostled as Osmond leaned around him to glare at Spencer.

It was Helen that addressed him though. "Spencer, you idiot. How are you always late to everything?" she asked and Spencer shrugged before leaning over Ezra to smile at Landon, who was sitting next to Helen, their hands resting together.

"How are you doing, man?" He asked, but Ezra didn't hear the answer as Osmond began whispering in his ear.

"Where's his mom?" the black haired boy asked and Ezra looked around.

Adrian's mother had promised to be at her only son's graduation, but had yet to show her face. Ezra understood though. They had spent the entire day moving yesterday, since Adrian's mother had finally decided to leave her husband, and she had been exhausted by the time that Ezra and Adrian had left her new apartment.

Ezra and Adrian had a place of their own. After Ezra's first year of college, when he was forced to live in the dorms with Spencer, his and Adrian decided that with their age gap that they didn't get to see each other enough and moved into a place of their own. Ezra didn't want to think about how empty the place would feel without Adrian when he left for school in the fall, so he pushed it to the back of his mind.

"She should be coming soon," he mumbled before looking back at the stage. Just in time, too, because his beautiful boyfriend, wearing his black graduation robe, walked up to the microphone. He looked incredibly nervous as his eyes searched the crowd, but the second they met Ezra's he smiled. God, I'm lucky.

Adrian gave his speech as valedictorian, speaking more about the school itself rather than the people in his class. Ezra knew that all of his boyfriends friends in the school were younger than him. People in his own class didn't like him much since he was smarter than all of them. Ezra glanced at Osmond, whose eyes were glued to the boy in front of them, and he nudged they younger boy, drawing his attention.

"What are you going to do next year," he asked softly and Osmond shrugged. He didn't have many friends and Ezra knew that the ones he did have would be graduating this year, leaving him behind.

"I don't know. Skip school? I have all my credits, I'm just going to be in the band room all day," he explained and Ezra studied the prodigy.

"You gonna try to meet someone?" Osmonds eyes flickered up the the stage quickly, and then he sunk back in his seat, not answering the question. Ezra sighed and turned to look back at Adrian, who had just finished his speech and was going to sit up on his chair behind the podium.

Names began to get called, starting with kinds whose last names were Anderson and other things that started with the first letter of the alphabet, and slowly moved through the letters until Vang was called. Adrian accepted his diploma and then grinned, not bothering to go back to his seat as he jumped off the stage and began walking down the aisle towards them.

Ezra grinned, watching Adrian climb over the knees of the entire row until he was in front of him, and then drop down in his lap for the remainder of the ceremony.

"You did great, baby," Ezra whispered in his ear and Adrian grinded back against him, causing Ezra to groan and press his face into his back. Slowly, his slid his arms around the boys waist and Adrian relaxed back against him.

The ceremony ended soon after, seeing as Adrian's name was at the end of the alphabet, that wasn't much of a surprise. When it was officially over, they all stood around, talking about what came next.

Spencer and Liam's wedding was scheduled to happen next month, and that would be the next time that all of them would be together. Helen and Landon were flying back to Illinois this afternoon , since their lives were there now. Osmond would go back to his aunt's house where he lived and probably sleep and compose though the summer..

Adrian and Ezra would go home and fall into bed as they usually did. They were going to spend all of their time together for the next three months to make up for all the time they'd have to spend apart while Adrian was off to Harvard, but they would be fine apart... Fine wasn't the right word. They would be miserable and lonely and calling each other every second they got whether it was to have phone sex or to talk to even to just listen to the other sleep on the other end of the phone. It would be hard, but they were meant to be together, and could make it through everything.

Eventually, all of their friends left, one by one, and Adrain and Ezra were left by themselves, holding hands in the arena that was still filled with families. "Did my mom get to come?" Adrian asked and Ezra shook his head slowly. The boy looked sad, and Ezra leaned forwards and kissed his temple.

    "We'll go see her on our way home," he promised and Adrian smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him fill on the lips.

    "I love you," Adrian whispered against his mouth and Ezra grinned.

    "I love you too, babe". Ezra pressed his forehead against his. "What happens now, Adri? Long term. What becomes of us?"

"Well," Adrian began, wrapping his arms around Ezra's waist. "It's quite obvious what happens, isn't it? We're going to stay together, of course. I'm going to go to school and become a kickass lawyer. You're going to finish school and become an english teacher. I'm going to come back here as soon as I can and then we'll get a house and a dog and get married and eventually adopt kids that you teach to play soccer and uncle Osmond will teach them how to play the piano and aunt Helen with teach them how to stand up for themselves and uncles Spencer and Liam will teach them how to respect one another and be patient".

Ezra snickered. "Well, what will be left for us to teach them then?" He opened his eyes to find Arian staring up at him.

"We'll teach them how true love is supposed to be," he claimed and Ezra grinned.

"You're perfect, Adrienne Vang".

And he was.

He was the kind of boy who giggled. He worked colored skinny jeans and brightly colored shoes and smiled at nearly everything. Adrian was smart and happy and witty and sarcastic and funny and so many other things. He was short and had little hands and a big smile. Being caring and thoughtful was just part of his nature, but sometimes he could be selfish and conceited. He was aware of his beauty and used it to his advantage many times, but never to do anything that would harm others. Adrian Vang was indeed, very Adrian Vang.

    All of these things made up Ezra's list of Things He Loved About Adrian Vang.

A/n Alright. That's it. For those of you curious, Adri and Ezra also in To Fall in Love with a Musician, briefly in of Lies and lips, and Ezra makes his appearance in You Can't Choose

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now