Chapter Twelve~ Adrian

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"It's nothing, El," Adrian insisted, directing his eyes to his lunch tray, refusing to look at his best friend.

"Dri," She said, and when he quickly glanced up she was grinning. "There's something there". There was, but Adrian most definitely didn't want to admit that to Helen.

"There isn't". She gave him a pointed look and he rolled his eyes. "Helen, do you honestly believe that Ezra Drake, Ezra fucking Drake, has feelings for me. He's the star of our soccer team. One of the most popular boys in the entire school. A sex god". He added the last part because it was the most true of all of them. After all, he did have first hand experience.

"So you're saying," Helen said slowly, drawing a chip out of the bag and chewing it thoughtfully, "you're saying that sex god Ezra Drake doesn't have any feelings for you".

"He doesn't".

"Not at all interested..."

Adrian smiled at her, trying to look a bit sad but he just couldn't after yesterday. It had been an overly amazing day, and nothing exciting had happened. They had just spent the afternoon together, studying and laughing. It had been perfect.

And then this morning. How when Adrian stepped into Mr. Smith's room, Ezra was staring at the door, waiting for him to come in. He looked so nervous and tense, and Adrian had given him a reassuring smile before taking his seat. As usual, Adrian had finished the test first, which gave him the entire rest of the period to watch Ezra complete his, his eyebrows furrowed cutely as his pencil scratched against the paper quickly. Adrian was developing serious feeling for this boy, and there was nothing he could do, or wanted to do, to stop it.

"Then tell me, Mr. Vang, why Ezra Drake has been staring at the back of your head for the last twenty minutes with a stupid ass smile on his ridiculously perfect face?"

Adrian couldn't help himself. He turned, catching Ezra's eye immediately, and the boy didn't even seem to be embarrassed that he had been caught. One of his eyelids dropped in a quick wink that did ridiculous things to Adrian's body.

"You're just about to cum in your pants, admit it," Helen said, and Adrian quickly turned back to her and glared, but it was hard to be angry when an exquisitely beautiful man had just been checking him out with no shame.

"Could you not say things like that?" He snapped, and then sighed, his shoulders dropping as he said the scariest words he had ever said before. "I think I'm falling in love with him". Helen choked on her lemon water, her eyes bulging in surprise. "Are you okay?" he asked in concern as she coughed loudly, and she nodded quickly.

"Well fuck, Adri. I didn't realize you felt like that".

"I didn't want to". Adrian had always wanted to fall in love, but getting these kinds of feelings for Ezra Drake, the school's main heartthrob, the stealer of many girl's virginities, the sex god, seemed a little too risky, even for Adrian. "I'm scared, Helen. His mind isn't made up yet, or at least he hadn't mentioned it, but when we're together..."

"Yes?" Helen asked softly, setting her bag on the table and reaching over to grasp Adrian's hands, her fingers just a tad bit longer than his own.

"He treats me like I'm important," he said, dropping his eyes as he felt stupid.

"You are, Dri," she said softly, reaching up to turn his chin towards her. She smiled kindly. "If he sees that in you, then I think you should most definitely go for it.

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now