Chapter Twenty-Two~ Ezra

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"Ezra, man, I know you're upset but I really think you should calm down before we go out there," Spencer said, leaning forward and knocking his knees against Ezra's. They were sitting in the locker room, waiting for their coach to come and get them, and Ezra was practically shaking with anger. It had been building since he had first seen Adrian yesterday morning, and was getting worse and worse since he'd soon have to look into the eyes of the man who had hurt that beautiful boy. His beautiful boy.

He couldn't help but to feel protective over Adrian, especially now.

"I'm fine, Spence," he lied for the hundredth time, speaking through gritted teeth as he once again thought of all the bruises that covered Adrian's face, darker today than they had been the day before. No. He was not fine.


"Alright boys," Coach said, peeking his head into the locker room and smiling at them all. "Are you all ready?" Ezra had never felt more ready in his life so he hollered along with the rest of the boys, ignoring Spencer's look of worry and moving along with the team out of the locker room. Him and Spencer were the last two to exit and his coach stopped him on the way out. "Drake, are you sure you-"

"Higgins," Ezra demanded, "let me focus on Higgens". Spencer's teeth dug into his lower lip and he look at Ezra, who looked back with a blank expression.

"Alright, son". He received a clap on the back that pushed him in the direction of the rest of the team. Spencer jogged to catch up.

"Ezra, you forget that I know you better than everyone else. You're going to do something stupid if you only focus on Caleb-"

"Ezra!" They both turned at the sound of his name being yelled. Ezra couldn't find where the voice had been called from but Spencer stuck out a hand, pointing to the sidelines where both of Ezra's parents were standing and waiting. They both walked over, Spencer with a polite smile on his face and Ezra staring blankly ahead. His mother cupped his face with both of her hands and pulled him into a bending position so she could reach his forehead to kiss it.

"Look happier, my dear boy," she said, wrapping her arms around him and Ezra relaxed into the embrace of his mother.

"I'm working on it, mom". He didn't want to pull back, but also didn't want to be the boy who stood on the sidelines and clung to his mother.

His father was talking to Spencer quickly, his eyes lighting up with excitement and Spencer seemed very amused with the short man as he nodded along. Ezra's shoulder bumped against his best friend's as he directed his attention to his father and Spencer nudged him back a bit rougher.

"You boys have better be ready. It's your last game against these champs and so far they've got you beat two to one. I expect to see you working hard out there". Ezra rolled his eyes at his father and Spencer chuckled.

"Yes sir". Ezra looked at his best friend to see Spencer staring off into the crowd, searching for something. When he found it, he nudged his head in that direction and Ezra followed his gaze to Liam, who was sitting on the bleachers grinning at Spencer. Spencer excused himself from the conversation with Ezra's father and then sent a single wink Ezra's way before he was running up the sidelines towards the student section of the bleachers. As he went, Ezra noticed something rather important to him.

This was a huge understatement.

Ezra noticed the most important someone in his life, sitting directly in front Liam. Adrian, accompanied by Helen, was sitting in the bleachers, and his eyes fixated on Ezra the exact same time that Ezra looked up at him. Neither looked away and Ezra hoped that his eyes were communicating all he wanted to say.

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