Chapter Six~ Adrian

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 Ezra talked a lot, Adrian discovered on the ride over to the other boy's house. He wasn't judging, of course, since he too was quite good at holding conversation, but he was just surprised that this boy, who seemingly hated him a week ago, was talking to him as if they were friends.

"I really did try to read it. It was just boring and I fell asleep," Ezra was saying, and Arian rolled his eyes. They turned onto a familiar street.

"It's not supposed to be a fun read," he pointed out and Ezra shrugged his shoulders.

"What even is a fun read? I've never read anything fun. Reading in general is extremely boring to me". Adrian wondered how he could have had sex with someone this stupid. Who had never liked a book he'd read. Who was really fucking sexy. Oh yeah.

"Well how many books have you even read before?" Adrian asked, determined to get to the bottom of this all books are boring thing. Ezra laughed as he pulled into his driveway, not saying anything. "That's not an answer".

"I don't read, Adrian". For some reason, Ezra had begun to say his name a lot, and each time he did it drove the younger insane. "Why would I read? I have a life".

"You also have three F's". Ezra considered this, and then nodded as he turned off the car and withdrew his keys.

"That's fair". Adrian felt as if he had won. "What do you suggest then?"

"What?" He was confused, but Ezra took his time answering, climbing out of the car and slamming the door. Adrian followed. "What do I suggest?"

"You know," Ezra walked ahead of him to open the door, "books?" The inside of the house was as empty as it had been the first time Adrian had gone, and he wondered where Ezra's parents were.

"You're asking me to recommend books for you?" Neither of them were paying attention to the words though. They were both staring at the couch, remembering what had happened there less than a week before. Adrian, for some reason since he was never embarrassed, felt his cheeks flame. "I'm going to sit on the chair, if that's okay".

"Yes," Ezra said simply, but he then pulled Adrian to sit down on the couch next to him despite his words. "We have that test coming up, and I don't even know how to study for it". Adrian wasn't really listening. He was thinking about how the last time he had been sitting here, the only thing he had been wearing was a thin layer of his sweat. "Adrian? Can you help me with this? I need to get a good grade on this test. It's the only opportunity I'll have to get my grade up to a D before we play Valley Falls".

Valley falls was their rival school. They competed on everything from music to sports to academics. Springfield excelled in music, but Valley falls had better academics. Where they really clashed was sports, specifically the big three. Basketball, football, and of course, soccer. Whenever any of these teams played Valley, the entire school went to show their support. It was a big deal. The soccer game was coming up soon, and without Ezra, the team would most definitely lose. This was proved last year, when a boy from the opposing team had tripped Ezra and caused him to sprain his ankle within the last ten minutes. Spring Field had lost 3-5.

"Yeah, I can help you with that". Even though Adrian didn't care for sports, he wanted to see the team win... It most definitely didn't have anything to do with Ezra. Nope. Not at all. "Where are your parents?"

"Ahh," Ezra said, as if he just realized that they weren't there. "They love each other too much so it's easy for me to convince them to leave the house so you can come". Adrian wanted to know why he couldn't meet the other's parents, and Ezra seemed to sense this because he sighed loudly. "They're very embarrassing". Adrian smiled at this.

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