Chapter Five~ Adrian

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 It was Adrian's birthday, and it felt good to finally be sixteen. Even though his parents refused to acknowledge the fact that the day was different from any other, it was still special to him. Helen bought him a bracelet that she claimed was super gay, and a sweater. He loved both. That was pretty much all he would be getting for his birthday, but he was perfectly happy. All that mattered to him was that he could finally take his driver's test and get out of that fucking house more often.

"Okay, something's different about you, and you're going to tell me what it is". Adrian opened his mouth to protest, but El glared at him, "and don't you even fucking think about denying it". His mouth snapped shut, and he looked down at his food on his plastic blue lunch tray. He should have suspected she wouldn't be nice to him, even if it was his birthday. It had been four days since him and Ezra had... well, done the unexpected, and it had been on his mind ever since, even though he had told the other he would forget about it. "Come on, Dri. Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean that you can be a little bitch".

"I'm not going to lie to you," He said simply, ignoring her comment as he looked up at her, she had her eyebrows raised expectantly. "You know that I can't lie to you". He couldn't. They had been best friends for so long that lying to one another was pointless fore they could just immediately detect it.

"So?" She was leaning forward in her seat, and his eyes searched her face for a moment. He wished he was sitting on her side of the table so he could be facing the soccer table, or more specifically, Ezra. He wanted to see what the Senior was doing, three tables away, but he couldn't.

"So," he began, "I'm not going to say anything at all". Helen's mouth parted in surprise for a second, and then she looked angry with him.

"Why the fuck not? I'm your best friend! You tell me everything," She argued, and for just a brief second, Adrian considered breaking his promise to Ezra and telling her about Saturday. Then he shook his head.

"Not this".

"Why the fuck not?" she asked again and he really wished she would stop swearing at him.

"Because I made a promise". This seemed to make her even more angry because her mouth opened and closed for a moment.

"I'm your best friend. Promises with other people are obsolete when it comes to me". He just looked at her, fighting to keep his expression blank. "Adrian".

"I need to go practice". He took a quick bite of his sandwich, and swallowed before rinsing his mouth out with water. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

She glared in response and he didn't feel like waiting for her to speak so he took it as a yes. As he passed Ezra's table, he felt the other's eyes on him, and tried his best to look forwards towards the garbage bin where he dropped his tray. It had been especially hard not to look at Ezra during the past couple of days. Adrian just found himself constantly wondering about the other boy, almost to the point of turning around and staring in language arts. He wanted to know what he was wearing, or what his hair looked like that day, or if his eyes were blue or green, or even just to look at the cluster of freckles splattered across the other's nose. He just wanted to know.

This was dangerous, so Adrian thought it'd be best if he simply went out of his way to avoid the other.

His band teacher, Mr. Benson, was the only person in the room, which was unusual for this particular lunch hour, and he looked up at Adrian with a smile when he entered.

Mr. Benson was by far his favorite teacher, and it wasn't just because he was teaching his favorite subject, and was young and gay. He was just overall a friendly man, who enjoyed talking and getting to know his students. "Hello, Adri. Happy birthday. How are you today?"

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now