Chapter Twenty~ Adrian

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 Adrian was walking down the street, away from the school, when he heard a car pull up alongside of him. His first thought was the boy who had broken his heart, Ezra, and he turned eagerly, trying to hide his half smoked cigarette behind his back. When he realised who it was, he tried not to look too disappointed, since it was one of the few people who would understand who he was hoping it would be, but he must have failed because Spencer look turned to one of pitty. "Um," Adrian began, "hi Spencer. What can I do for you?" Not caring anymore if the person in the car saw him smoking, he brought the stick back up to his lips.

Spencer's eyebrows raised, and Adrian considered telling him: I need to smoke regularly to calm myself now because your best friend has ruined me, but instead he remained silent. "Get in the car, Adrian," the other boy said. Adrian stood there for a moment, looking through the rolled down passenger side window to Spencer's face as he blowed smoke slowly from his mouth. He could refuse and then keep walking home, but for some reason he felt like Spencer wouldn't take that as an answer and would follow him. Without a second thought he threw his cigarette on the sidewalk and grinded his heel into it before pulling open the door and climbed in. "You really shouldn't smoke. You're too pretty and it'll kill you someday".

Adrian rolled his eyes. "Quite a greeting you have there, Spence. I can't believe you got me to get in your car".

Spencer looked pleased then and grinned. "Hi cupcake".

"I didn't realize that you'd still be calling me that given the situation," Adrian said dryly, raising a hand to point where Spencer had to turn.

"The situation...," Spencer trailed off and Adrian was happy that he lived relatively close to school since he really didn't want to talk about this with the best friend of the boy who had dumped him less than twenty four hours ago. "Adrian, you don't understand it completely".

"And I don't care to," Adrian claimed, watching Spencer's attractive face as the boy raised his eyebrows.


"I'm sure Ez-" Adrian cut himself off. He didn't want to say his name. It hurt to much. "He has his reasons, and I just don't care". Adrian relaxed at the sight of his street sign and he pointed so Spencer knew to turn.

"Adrian, he cares about you. Please, just be patient with him. He'll come around. I know it". Adrian's house came into view as soon as they turned and he pointed at it. Spencer nodded in understanding.

"I don't care, Spencer," he said as the older boy pulled into his driveway. "I'm over it". It was a huge lie, but lying had come easy to Adrian over the years and it felt so much like the truth leaving his lips that he almost convinced himself. Spencer inhaled, preparing himself to speak again, but Adrian left the car, slamming the door between the two of them so he didn't have to listen to any more of it.

Adrian didn't say thank you, and didn't look back as he entered his house.

He did however peer out of his open window moments later as he lit another cigarette, only to see the senior still parked in his driveway.


"Adri, are you sure this is a good idea?" Helen asked over the phone. She had first called him about an hour ago to see if he wanted to go over to her house, but at that second Adrian decided that he wanted to go out. At first, Helen thought that he meant she would be coming, but he hadn't, and she grew weary over the next hour as Adrian dressed himself to look like a slut.

"If Osmond won't sleep with me, and you won't let me call David-"

"This isn't you, Adri," Helen began but Adrian just continued

Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now