Chapter Twenty-Four~ Ezra

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Ezra was lying Spencer's bed, his head against the pillows as he looked down at the rubik's cube resting on his chest as if staring at it that would solve it. The tensions were running high in his house, and after the night before and he couldn't bare to look at his father. After he had gotten home from school he had packed his bag and came to Spencer's house, asking his best friends mother if he could stay with them for a while. After pulling him in for a hug she agreed, telling him he was always welcome and then explaining that Spencer was still at soccer practice and would be home in about an hour. Ezra had know this, since up until a day ago, he had practice at this time too, but merely nodded and went to relax in his best friend's bedroom.

Ezra's feelings towards his father were the same as those towards Adrian at this time. The second the boy had walked into language arts that morning their eyes had met, and then Ezra had to look away. He was embarrassed about how he had acted, how angry he had gotten over something that wasn't Adrian's fault but Caleb's. Guilt made him look away from the face of the beautiful boy he loved.

He loved he loved he loved.

He had to fix this.

Without really thinking, Ezra reached into his pocket, pulling out his cellphone and dialing Adrian's phone number. It rang for what felt like a long time, so long that Ezra wondered if Adrian was just ignoring him. And then the boy answered.

"Ezra?" It was spoken softly and Ezra closed his eyes at the sound of the beautiful voice, sitting up in Spencer's bed. "What are you calling me? Do you need something?" A stabbing pain pierced Ezra's chest and he swallowed heavily.

"I can't call you just because I want to?" he asked, remembering all of the times he had done just that. He missed the sound of Adrian's laugh on the other end and would do anything at the moment to hear it.

"Not anymore, Ezra".

"Adri," Ezra began, listening as the other's breath caught at the sound of his nickname, "forgive me. Please". There was sniffling on the other end and after a horrible moment Ezra realized Adrian was crying. "Baby?"

"No," Adrian said suddenly, his voice confident, "no, Ezra. No". Ezra was sure he was crying now, his voice shaky and Ezra felt his own eyes fill with tears. "You can't just... just apologize and expect everything to be fine, Ezra. That's not how this works".

"Adri, I love y-"

"No," Adrian cut in, full out sobbing now and Ezra's heart squeezed. "You don't. Don't lie to me".

"I'm not lyin-"

"You broke my heart, Ezra," Adrian cried and Ezra made a choking sound. "You did. You broke my heart. If you loved me, you wouldn't have done this to me". Ezra closed his eyes to keep from crying at the sound of Adrian doing so. "You don't understand how I feel about you, Ezra. You don't understand what it feels like to be in love. I would never do this to you. I wouldn't even consider hurting you like you hurt me. You made me feel special, and happy for once in my life, and then you took it all away without an explanation and you broke my heart and now I can't trust you with it ever again". Adrian paused, inhaling and exhaling heavily as he tried to control his breaths. "You have ruined me, Ezra Drake".


And then he said the worst thing Ezra thought he could ever hear. "I was better off without you," Adrian sobbed and Ezra lost it.

"Please don't say that, Adrian," he begged, and he knew he sounded pathetic but he didn't care as he cried. "I love you. I do, I swear I do. I just made a mistake, baby. Please".

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