Chapter Sixteen~ Ezra

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The moon was high in the sky by the time they left the restaurant, and instead of glancing at it worriedly (as he did on school nights when he was worried about the time and getting enough sleep to be a genius the next morning) Adrian looked up at the sky in wonder, his face lighting up as he studied the stars with wide eyes, but as usual, Ezra found that he could only stare at him. God he was so gorgeous. Ezra couldn't get enough of him. As Adrian continued to peer up at the sky, Ezra raised their clasped hands to his mouth and began to slowly kiss over the boy's knuckles lovingly.

"Can we go look at the stars?" Adrian asked, and Ezra wondered what time it was. He wasn't opposed to staying up late, especially on a Friday, but he knew that Adrian (quite adorably) needed his sleep, and would sometimes pass out in random places if he was tired enough. It was very cute, and Ezra greatly enjoyed the couple of times it had happened over the past week after they studied and, as Ezra liked to call it now, made love. Both Wednesday night and Thursday night Adrian had fallen asleep on his bed, and Ezra, of course not wanting to disturb him, had let him stay the night, which was increasingly frustrating to Adrian in the morning when he had to borrow clothes that didn't fit him, and when Ezra had to sneak him out of the house on Thursday morning since his mother had decided not to go into work till later. But besides that minor issue, Ezra had adored sleeping, and especially, waking up next to the younger boy, since he always got the opportunity to watch him sleep for awhile.

He was so in love that it made his heart hurt.

Ezra ducked his head and pressed a kiss to Adrian's temple. "Whatever you would like, baby," he said, and the boy giggled happily, turning more into Ezra's side as they slowly walked to the car.

"I really like the sky," Adrian said, still looking up as they stopped in front of the car, and Ezra turned towards the boy, who after a second slowly adjusted his neck so he was looking at Ezra. Adrian was beautiful. His brown eyes were wide and sparkling with happiness, and his mouth was turned up a little at the corners, a shy smile from finding Ezra staring at him. "What are you looking at?"

"You," Ezra said softly, "you're so pretty Adri". The boys cheeks flushed but he grinned nevertheless, pushing himself up onto his toes and releasing Ezra's hand so he could slide both of his arms up and over the taller shoulders. Their lips were so close, and Ezra knew that the other was waiting for him to close the distance, but he didn't, not yet, anyway. Instead, he gently pushed the boy back so he was leaning against the hood of the car, and cupped his face, looking into his eyes. "You're so important to me".

Adrian looked shocked and he swallowed loudly. "Ezra".

"Shhh, baby," he whispered, finally connecting their lips and Adrian's clutched at the back of his neck. So badly, Ezra wanted to tell him how he felt. That he was unconditionally in love with him, but he was afraid. They hadn't been together for long, and he was worried that Adrian would think it was too soon for him to be in love. Would he ask him he was sure, and then doubt him when he said he was?

The way he felt about Adrian, this constant need to see the boy, talk to the boy, touch him as the most painfully amazing feeling he had ever experienced and there was nothing he could do about it. He loved Adrian Vang with all of his heart, but he couldn't tell the boy this, not yet.

But he kissed him like he loved him, pouring all of his emotions into the other, feeling the reaction of the smaller body as he tasted the truth with his tongue and reacted with equal passion.

Ezra gently ran his tongue against Adrian's, slowing the pace and the boy gasped against his lips, allowing Ezra to take control. They stayed like this for a long time, inhaling each other's exhale, as if this would keep them from needing to part for air.

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