Chapter Nine~ Ezra

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"Well, for starters," Spencer began, thoughtfully chewing on a rather soggy looking french fry as his eyes stared to some distant place behind Ezra that he didn't care enough about to turn and check to see what it was. "I think you should really stop having sex with him until you figure this whole thing out". Ezra closed his eyes, pressing his face into his hands. Never one has he been so happy that the team forgot to tell them about lunch, fore it meant being left alone with his best friend, who he desperately needed to talk to.

"I tried that the first time," Ezra grumbled, "and look how that turned out".

"Yeah," Spencer agreed, his eyes dropping to his tray and he gazed at his food with disgust on his face. "Twice you say? For forty five minutes each?" Ezra nodded, rather proud of the statistics. "And he came how many times?"

Spencer was still staining at his tray now and Ezra wanted to know what the fuck was going on with him. He had been on edge all afternoon, his eyes darting around the cafeteria until he found what he was looking for and then he had just blatantly stared, not even trying to be discreet. Then every couple of minutes, as if he had been caught, he would suddenly be burning a hole in his lunch tray with his eyes. It was making Ezra extremely nervous but when he had asked Spencer denied that anything was wrong.


"Damn," Spencer said, sounding impressed but grimacing. "You should fuck me". Ezra rolled his eyes.

"That's the gayest thing you've ever said".

"What is?" Only Ezra turned at the voice, but he saw Spencer's face change to one of sheer panic for a moment.

Liam Olsen stood at the end of the table, holding a textbook against his chest and looking between the two boys. He was really an unimportant boy in the school. Didn't play sports, wasn't particularly good at anything besides math, but for some reason he happened to be Spencer's second best friend, and was commonly the reason he was ditching Ezra. "Spencer's becoming gay for me," Ezra said simply, and both of the boy's faces changed.

"Liam," Spencer said on an exhale and he was looking up at the boy with an apologetic expression that Ezra couldn't quite understand.

The other boy ignored him, looking at Ezra. "Hi Ezra," he said, and then sent one last look at Spencer and walked away.

"What the fuck was that about?" Ezra asked, wondering why the boy even came over in the first place and Spence grimaced.

"Why'd you have to say that man?" Spencer demanded, but he looked more defeated than upset. "Now he's going to be even more angry with me".

"Why would he be angry about that?"

Spencer was quiet for a very long time. "Um... Liam's totally homophobic. If he thinks I'm gay he won't be friends with me anymore".

Ezra was surprised by this. "Isn't he gay though? Didn't he have sex with some senior boy when we were freshman?" Ezra clearly remembered this but Spencer was glaring at him.

"We don't talk about that". He stood then, pushing his lunch tray over to Ezra. "Take care of that, would you? I need to go set some things right".

"I don't think-" but he was already gone, walking across the cafeteria after Liam, and Ezra dropped his head again, his problems all completely unsolved.

Spence had told him to just not have sex with Adrian, but that had proven to be difficult. There was just something about the boy that made Ezra constantly want to touch him. Even today, when he saw him in language arts that morning, wearing dark green jeans and a pink shirt (he looked a lot like a watermelon but an incredibly cute one that Ezra wanted to fuck for hours on end) all he could concentrate on was touching him and running his fingers over every inch of smooth exposed skin.

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