Naked truth

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All of the light of the Universe

Shines right through you

In your soul your heart and your eyes

It is alive in the love of God’s vows you renew

All of the Love in the Universe

Is waiting there inside you

And as you find a way to share it

It will transform everything you do

And so we find a way to be the light

That draws us like a moth to the flame

And we learn the lessons that we need

To be love of the fire that burns there

 in the depths of our souls domain

And so when we see the brilliance

 of an oh so familiar distant star

or we see God’s reflection in the eyes of a child

we remember who we really are

and so we pray to have the gift

to see the visions that enlighten us here

so we can embrace that as our flag to wave

in our mantra or our prayer

and here’s my  truth and my morning offering

which I write because it’s there

I’ve been given so much by the grace of God

sometimes I wonder if I’m  worthy of it all to share

and I know these hidden fears

or who knows what I might do to cover them up

when I try to avoid the reality of it all

when I see God in mirror to which I stare

And then an act of loving kindness comes

And I find it’s really ok

To be just who I am

Even if it might not fit others ways.

For there is a light that shines forth like the sun

And there is a star that find me at the dawn of day

And there is a love that lives in the heart of God

That brings compassion to save us on our way

And so we learn to become the light

And we embrace the light within our soul

And we grow just a little every day

And with every lesson we learn to know

That we are the living light of God

We are the love that lives within

And as we learn to share it

We all can learn to live as One again.

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