Pieces of the Dream

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Pieces of a sacred dream were scattered ,oh so long ago

And the angels watched and waited

For those dreams to be built and to grow

And now we see across the waters

 To the other shore

Where a holy light that shines out to see

A welcoming beacon from that long lost dream

And pieces of the dream were planted, oh so very long ago

And they were seen as a vision by so many

And for some the dreams have grown

and for many have gotten weary waiting and they have gotten old.

And there are those who have given up hope

Ever finding the new world while here

For we have been oh so busy trying to survive

 and could not see that it was drawing near

But now look out across to the horizon

Can’t you see it’s shining so Bright

And the vision is reflected

On the wings of the dove of light

And the guardians have watched and waited

For so very long for this day

And they have sent messengers forth

To herald the coming of the way

They have seen what happened

When the ones who had plundered came

And stole the treasures of the city

To use for there very own gain

And the pieces of the dream were planted

In our hearts and in our souls

And the visions of the new world were seen

By the one who remembered what they were once told

Yet finally the land of light is drawing near

And all those who have watched and waited

Are now ready for it to appear.

So get join with the new world servers

And the new day has finally come

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