The rules of the Road on the Path to God

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To be

To be One with the Light of God’s infinite creative Source

You must be in a clear and receptive place of Trust in your self.

You must be able to hold and carry the light,

You must know this  light as a gift from the highest Source.

And understand that it is to be used and activated

With discerning wisdom, as a tool directed by the soul

And guided by the Masters Love.

A love which is anchored in Good will

and is a true reflection  of a life

that is tuned to receive the power of a

pure radiant energy from  the living Spirit

in God’s Heart of Hearts.

For this energy is aligned to the soul within the One soul.

And It is formed by the intent to serve God and help humanity,

It is tuned to allow you to be an Ambassador of God’s Light,

And agent of God’s Love,

A messenger of God’s truth,

And a disciple of the Masters Way.

And So you may ask for the teachings,

You may receive the gifts that are to be shared freely

And you may hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

All to be used with the highest respect,

For you carry the Chalice of God’s Love

And you Breathe with the breath of the Holy spirit

And you serve the radiant Light of the Master,

Who directs and is of God’s Light and Love.

Understand the path you are on.

Accept the mantle of the Power ,which you are given

So you may Be a humble Servant of Good Will

Fulfilling your souls purpose and God’s Plan.

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