This Gift of life

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Take in a Deep Breath of Heaven

Take a moment to just be 

Present in the miracle of this now moment

and aware of the Beauty that I see

Breathe in the living energy

Of the light that is alive right there in you

Let it fill your body and mind, and heart

And  feel this pure power to heal and renew

Clear any past negative energy

that needs to be released

surround yourself in radiant rainbows of light

colors of  such beauty that bring peace.

Breathe in the magic of radiant violet,

feel the shades of rose and peach as a base

let the healing emerald green in your heart

and turquoise and sky blue in your throat

with the wisdom of Gold as a crown on top

Restore your heart, invite your soul

To be present inside of you

Let this loving energy bring it’s power forth

So you can see the blessings given are true

Greet Father Sky with your arms outstretched

To the heavens that are oh so high

Embrace the love of Mother Earth

And send healing energy that is alive

Thank the beauty of this sacred place

The oceans and all the waters of life it brings

The living grace of trees the exquisite beauty of the flowers

and our guardians the four legged ones and the blessed birds that sing

breathe deep the spirit that feeds the soul

the pure energy of creation of love and light


I’m so grateful for this gift of life

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