For the Good of All

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For the Good of all, the new paradigm

With a Breath I call on My unlimited Power

Understand and receive the Gift of God’s Goodness

The self defeating ancient ways can now be released!

Believe that, Imagine that see that.

You can create a better world, a better way

Where we can choose to Love, to Succeed, to Enjoy

To believe in a way to live

with Good Will for all for the Good of all,

And this can be done by accepting the good in you and in others

believing in the good in you and in others

and By loving who you are and

how God can work through you

For the good of all.

In the old paradigm success has been built on the defeat of others.

There has been a constant battle of winning and losing,

The light and dark forces have been used to create and destroy.

This thinking has caused a spiral of war, pain and suffering.

It is time to now understand and work for a new way to build

And support success for all

A success built on others success,

 happiness built on helping others to be happy, 

for a new day is here , and the only way we can build a base to overcome the destructive patterns of the past is to now choose

To work for the Good of All by receiving God’s Positive energy

with goodwill for all.

Positive in and Positive out.

And as we ask and really believe in what we ask for

We can create as co-creators in God’s Creation

Working to bL and Love working with us and through us for

the Good of all.

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