Chapter 49:

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Ch. 49

~Peyton POV~

Oh my gosh! I think I may go insane if I am stuck in this hospital any longer! I know it’s only been like a week and a half since I’ve been here, but still. Actually, I was supposed to go home a few days ago, but that changed when my heart showed an irregular beat again. They made me stay to make sure things were going to stay okay. I personally think it was just a fluke since it hasn’t happened again since then, but whatever. I guess I can’t really argue with the doctors much, because I won’t win.

At least David as been here basically every day, so I’ve had someone to talk to. Ally and Jules came to visit me a couple days as well. My favorite person to visit, though, was Hunter and Linda. Hunter is always the cutest little ting. He came running in and jumped up onto the bed and gave me a big huge hug. Of course, I had to hide the fact that he was on my left side and it was still sore around the pacemaker.

“Knock knock.” Missy, my nurse, said when she walking in. That was one decent thing, at least, being here. Missy was sweet and she has even stayed longer than allowed, just to keep me company. We would actually talk and gossip some and she would make me laugh and keep me from getting bored.

“Hey.” I smiled at her. “Any news yet on when I get to leave?”

She walked over and checked my temperature first. “You want to just up and leave me that fast?” She gave me a mock hurt look and then smiled at me. “Finger.”

I held out my hand so Missy could place the little machine thing on my finger to take my pulse since they just unhooked me from the heart machine last night. “No, of course not. I’m just absolutely bored here and I still need to get things ready for school, which starts tomorrow.

“I’m just teasing.” She wrote everything down on her paper, and then looked it over. “Yep, everything has been looking great, lately, so I’m pretty sure they’re going to let you out today, sometime.”

“Yes!” I yelled louder than planned. I covered my mouth with my hand and my eyes widened. Missy shook her head at me and laughed. “My bad.” I said, removing my hands.

“Damn, you’re loud.” David poked his head into my room. “I just heard you all the way down the hall.”

“Nothing new there.” I shrugged and laughed. “Guess what, guess what, guess what!” I said really fast.

David looked over at Missy. “Did someone inject her with sugar or caffeine or something?”

“Hey!” I pouted. “That’s not nice.” It was just the excitement, I couldn’t help it!”

Missy laughed at me again. “I’m not really sure. It wasn’t me, though.”

“Jerks.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

David walked over to me with that stupid cocky smirk on his face. When he reached the side of my bed, he leaned over and kissed me. “I mean it all out of love, babe.”

“Mhmm…” I hummed.

“Anyway, what did you want to tell me?” He asked, sitting in the chair that was beside my bed. I knew he would move onto the bed once Missy was out of the room, but he didn’t want to make things uncomfortable, I guess, between all of us.

I grinned as wide as possible. “I get out today!”

Missy walked over to me, “Just in case I don’t get to see you before you leave, it was fun being your nurse.” She hugged me. “You’ve kept me entertained with all your stories.”

“I’m glad I could return the favor you did for me. I think I would have gone a little crazy if I didn’t have you to talk to after visiting hours.” I hugged her back.

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