part eight.

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"Mommy!" Katie shout outside the bathroom door banging her hand in the door.

"Coming!" Kate shout. She was waiting for the result so she gave up waiting and put the pregnancy test on the side of the zink and went out.

She walk hand in hand with Katie to her father that waited outside for her.

"So do have the results yet?" Richard ask.

"No not yet. I just took the test and it's gonna take a while before I get the results. But I'll let you know as soon as possible." Kate smiled nervously.

"Okay do that." Richard smiled walking hand in hand with Katie to the car.

Kate smiled and ran back into the house.

She came in the bathroom, grab the test and saw a single stripe.

Her smile fade away and tears came in her eyes. She throw the test full force to the floor. She break down crying sitting literally on the floor next to the bath.

She carried so much pain at this moment like she's not meant to have another child.


"I feel like a failure." Kate said upset sitting infront of christina's table.

"Kate, it takes time. Maybe you should try again." Christina adviced.

"No christina, I'm done. I can't do this anymore." Kate stood up and walk out crying with the thought of, "how am I gonna tell Richard?"


At Richard's house there was a knock on his door.

Richard open it and saw Kate in a bad condition. Her hair hang thick over her shoulders. She look up and look at Richard with cried out eyes.

"Kate? Come on in." Richard invited her in knowing she needs someone to talk to right now.

He gave a her a hot cup of coffee and let her sit down next to him at the back of the yard on a double seated swing looking at the stars.

"Turns out I'm not pregnant." Kate started as she look down at her cup.

"Oh. Would you like to try again?" Richard asked looking at her.

"No. I'm gonna tell Katie the truth and...carry on like before." Kate reply looking from her cup to the stars and into Richard's wondering eyes.

Richard put his hand on Kate's lab and edge a little closer to her.

"I'm really sorry Kate." Richard sat getting tears in his eyes.

Kate gave him a hug as he hugged her back. She look at him that was still holding her and was so close to kiss.
They took a moment looking at each other then...Boom!!! They're lips crashed.

"Wait. What about Nicole?" Kate ask breaking away from his lips.

"She's working till tomorrow morning. Plus, I don't feel like sleeping alone tonight." Richard replied kissing Kate again. He put her legs on around him.

"But this is wrong isn't it?" Kate asked him.

"No it's not wrong. Only tonight." Richard put his hand on Kate's cheek. "Kate, there's something I wanna figure out but I need you for this."

"Okay, just don't let me feel like this was all just for one thing." Kate breathed.

"Promise." Richard's lips meet up with her again. He lay her down and went on top of her and kissed her rubbing her thighs, lifting her dress up her legs.

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