
208 4 69

Blame Percabeth2442.

1. Who's your cush?:
Um...I have quite a few...wait wr counting fictional characters .....Will Solace (there, its out William_Solace) Alex Ferrio, Magnus Chase, (don't you judge me! Itsyaswagnuschase) Piper McLean, Thalia Grace, and Reyna, um...as for real people, my best friend (and I won't give out their name ;)
Don't judge me!

2. What's your middle name?:
Mae. (I know I'm so boring, not my idea I don't' even like my name!)

5"2 (Iz a smol child)

4. Shoe size?
9's in women's ....8's in men's....don't judge me I wear basketball shoes sometimes,....for like no reason ...I'm like not even on a team anymore,...

5. Eye color?
Blue, sometimes a blueish silver, sometimes, a bright turquoise..

6. Last time you cried?
The last fan fiction I believe, (I don't cry very often) (so like yesterday.....)

7.biggest fear?
I don't really know honestly, like dead bodies, and bones and such just creep me out, but I'm really scared of anything except, well, Cupid/Eros, and his domain....

8. That last song you listened to?
I think it was either Solatino or Young Volcanoes, I don't remember.

9. Last person you texted?
My best friend (the one I'm not naming...)

10. Tag ten people
Easy enough :) *realises only has like five friends....* er..uh...cringe!
And my new friends!
Nico: I'm not your friend.
Will: I'm not sure I want to be friends with someone that just kidnapped my boyfriend....
Hush boys,

Bye bye!

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