that tag nobody asked for

9 3 9

Yay random tag.

cuz I B bored

1. do you have a good relationship with your parents?
uhh...depends on the day, and whether ur talking my mum or dad..

2. who did you last say, 'I love you' to?
umm it was either Luce or Ginny ngl XD

3. do you regret anything?
anything and everything.. too many things keep me up at night..

4. are you insecure. 
...idk how to answer that tbh

5. what is your relationship status
:D ina relationship wif da best girlfriend ever :3 wove ya Lucy <3

6. how do you want to die?
very quickly.-maybe right now? ...please?

7. what did you last eat?
strawberry pockey

8. played any sports?
only basketball. well, like on  a team,..

9. do you bite your nails?
*looks down at bleeding fingers* ahhh maybe?

10. when was your last physical fight?
ah..idk tbh

11. Do you like someone?
well...I love like a friend? as a mutual exsistance??

12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
nah. I can go one full day, until like..2-3 am, then i like crash hard...

13. Do you hate anyone at the moment?
many people actually, and we'd be here forever if I listed them all.

14. do you miss someone?
no duh.

15. have any pets?
I has a betta, Percy Fishus Jackson :3

16. how exactly are you feeling right now?
uhhh what? tmi! my thoughts! my feelings! hissss

17. ever made out in the bathroom?
um...sorry what?

18. are you scared of spiders?
nah, their ite. 

19. would you go back in time if given the chance?
nah I'm good.

20. where was the last place you snogged someone? 
*blinks* what?

21. plans for the weekend? 
hanging with me, myself and I. (plus reading and writing fanfic, ya know, the usual)

22. do you want to have kids? how many?


23. Do you have piercings? how many?
Yepp. (but just my ears, XD that's it, I'm not a 'cool' person with a nose ring)

24. what is/are your best subject?
English, always and forever

25. do you miss anyone from your past?
uhh who doesn't?

26. what are you craving right now?
THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES I kid you, I want chocolate pockey!

27. have you ever broken someone's heart?

28. have you ever been cheated on?
uhh no?

29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I-I hope not?

30. what's irritating you right now?
asdhfdjkshfjdklsnkjd everything ever 

31. does somebody love you?
well, I hope so XD

32. what is your favorite color?
black, pastel colors in general, red, all shades of blue, and green's okay, I guess

33. Do you have trust issues?

yes, very. thanks for asking -_-

34. who/what was your last dream about?
*giggles* Troye Sivan meeting my friend Chris, whom's like a middle school version of him..

35. hwo was the last person you cried in front of?
my mum..

36. do you give out second chances easily?

eh, depends, 


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