ships (a rant)

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Guys. Why does everyone hate on ships like Percico and Percachel?
The more friendly people usually say 'it wouldn't work out' & 'it wouldn't happen"
Yeah? Well guess what? I only ship Percabeth platonically
So go hit unfollow if you want if your simply that shallow. Back to the other thing. I'll start with Percico.

Percico is my OTP just as much as solangelo is. And obviously it wouldn't happen at once since like Nico and Will are dating. And Nico doesn't feel that way anymore and Percy 'never did'  but still. Yes, Percy put Nico through a world of hell without noticing it. But can you imagine how much bad that would make Percy feel? How guilty? Even if Percy only loves Nico as a brother. And honestly, the Heroes of Olympus books, with them in 2nd person(I think?) Instead of 1st, we only really got a small incite on the characters thoughts. A lot of it remaining unclear and a mystery. So who's to say Percy never had doubts about Annabeth? Or he will in the future? We just don't know. And there's no way we can. May we step into my personal head can land? If not. Stop reading. I will bold when I'm back to facts.

Spoiler alert. In all my stories head cannons and such. Percy's bi. It always been that way to me. I'd always seen Percy Jackson as a bisexual and I honestly have no idea why. Even in the first series' when Percy was freaking out about being with a girl, doing the right thing. I always felt like, Percy was always so nervous about it-because he just wasn't as straight as everyone thought. Well. Of course these are all my head cannons. Its just...I don't like the whole seeing Percabeth as couple. It just seems all too stereo typical to me. I actually have never read a Percabeth fanfiction. Percico just seems a but more interesting to me(even Percachel. Sorry not sorry Em) and back to bi Percy-i feel like, he's just so much more relaxed around guys. While girls he's nervous(for doing the wrong thing) so head cannons are over.

Back to facts
While I love, love, lOvE solangelo and ship it with my life. There are many questions unanswered about it their history...the simplicity of even knowing where they went their first date! When they fell in love! Why in Hades they were in a canoe in the middle of the night! There are so many questions that need answering, that Rick Riordan could write a whole book(maybe even a series) on what the hell happened to make Solangelo cannon!  Their way too stubborn to have it happen all on their own with no influence! But back to Percico. Percico is different. We were there almost every step of the way to the creation of this ship. Thus. I don't understand how it's so unloved and nobody gives two shits about! Its a ship that had a better story than Percabeth. First book. Yeah I hate you only cuz who your parents are  then like the 2nd book their besties? And the third Percy goes out of his mind to find Annabeth??? Like what the fuck Rick? What. The. Fuck. Percabeth could so easily be a amazing platonic ship if people just let it happen!

But then of course there's the people who say yeah but Nico was a little kid when he like Percy! Come on people. We all had that 5th-6th grade crush we at one point wished worked out.. But most of all...Nico would do anything for Percy, and probably still would. And Percy,(to an extent) would do the same! While yes Percy sacrificed himself with Annie in the Tartarus fall, but Percy is so freaking selfless that he does that kind of thing without question!

Nico grew up with Percy.. Nico was 10 when he met Percy. 10. And Percy was either 13-14. Percy grew up watching over Nico worrying about him at least slightly.

Percico just has much better back story and development than Percabeth. While yes it is cool that they ended up falling for their best friend and had a couple good romantic moments. You can not beat a Greek Tragity like Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo.

I respect Percabeth shippers. It does not mean I agree with them. I'm sorry if this rant made you question your shipping(no I'm not) but these are simply my thoughts. I told you. You didn't have to read. Yet hear you are reading this sentence.

It just  accrued to me I was gonna rant about Percachel to... Well... This is like 1000 words y'all want to hear it, comment below.

Oh well.

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