creating a character

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ok choir teacher made everyone make a character...this is what happened:

Appearance: Short black hair(with homemade-dyed streaks, colors vary) on point pure turquoise eyes(meaning pure) dark circles(from lack of sleep) pale(ish) skin, a small amount of freckles.

How do they move?: a slouched, lazy, non threatening stance most of the time, but get in get out, going somewhere for a reason

How do they sound?: Not really and exact tong-language(from ever living in one place too long) but lower from speaking little, and if ever, in hushed tones.


From the inside out:

Time table

She was born in Venice Italy,

Moved to France, Paris (w/her aunt and uncle

Sent to London, UK(w/foster parents Harry and Ginny)

escaped(on good terms) and ran away to Rome, Italy(where she, and her 'siblings' were taken care of by an older teen, Reyna

The four continue to Havana, Cuba

Then get (somehow???) to Tiona, mexico, and then are a illegal immigrants to the US, Baja, California


Name: Chiara Di Angelo

Age: 14

Residence: birthplace: Venice Italy

France: Paris

UK: London

Rome: Italy

Cuba: Havana

Mexico: Tiona

US: California, Baja


Nico and Will DI Angelo (original adoptive parents)

Frank Zhang

Hazel Zhang

Draco 'DI Angelo'(foster brother)

Hadly 'Di Angelo' (foster sister)

Ginny and Harry Potter( second foster parents)

Reyna 'big sister'


Parents death:.....short story.... (1st person POV):

I first lived in Venice Italy. I lived with my pappa, while my dad worked in the army force-as a field medic. Dangerous work, Pappa would slap daddy leaving again, then kiss him for coming home. Pappa and I would write letters when he was gone. Pappa and I would go to the airport together, daddy would run, and hug me first, giving me a kiss on the forehead or cheek, I would say, "I missed you!" he would smile, and say, "missed you too darlin." After he would put me down, he would pluck him from the ground,m and spin him just like me. Pappa would act crossed but daddy would kiss him, and papa would say the same thing as me, "I missed you!" only, Pappa would cry, and weep into daddy's shoulder. They'd hug a bit longer. Then we would go home, and have a special dinner in celebration. Daddy would beg Pappa for his famous, homemade italian pizza. He'd say no, but would give in with daddy and I's puppy eyes power combined. This was our routine. Until it..wasn't.

I was at my aunt and uncle's, aunt Hazel, and uncle Frank, my only-but favorite relatives.

I heard it on the news, then it slipped out on social media. 'Nico and WIll DI Angelo, both died in a house fire, cause is unclear....' Someone did not like my parents. I just wanted to know why. They were the kindest people alive-or were.

Investigators came to my aunt and uncle's door, to question me of who could have possibly

kill my fathers, and burn down our house...And they never did find out. All i could hope for, was that they died together.


Hadly and Draco

After my parents death, I was put in foster care, where I found the cutest pair of siblings. THey both had pale blond hair, and green eyes. They clearly were not Italian or French. I was twelve then, but I was much too mature. 'Grew up too fast' like Hazel would say, 'Just like your pappa'. After my only biological family-Hazel and Frank, adopted me-and saw I couldn't live without Draco and Hadly,-bless their kind hearts-they adopted us all. Things were nice for a while, I could almost imagine I was normal once, and not a double orphan. Both parents dead, and someone else possibly coming for me too. Yes, life at the 'Zhang's were that good.

Until they too were killed. WHy was everyone I loved killed? Or perhaps they were failed attempts to

Back into foster care I went. A nice couple-by the name of Potter. Already with three kids, two sent to a private school.

I realised what a burden I was..and slipped away, not aware of Hadly and Draco following me.

Then we were on the streets of Rome a while, until 'adopted' by our new street mother, Reyna.-But that's another story. 

yep. I made a solangelo spawn

XD dammit now I wanna write a story about her!

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