short jasico angst thing

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~ Yay I wrote this today

Jason had been acting weird ever since the deadline for Gaea's waking neared. it was late one night when Nico went to check on him. The two boy's weren't exactly friends-well, the truth was, neither boy was exactly sure /what/ the other one was to them. But Nico knew one thing-he cared very deeply for Jason-and he couldn't bare to see the son of Jupiter dispare.

To storm or fire. Jason had repeated in his head over and over. Storm or fire. or. what did that mean? he or Leo? he couldn't live with himself if Leo died. No. he couldn't let that happen. the nightmares that haunted him, the thoughts-the thoughts of Nico di Angelo. He couldn't keep his mind off the small Italian ever since the Cupid/Eros incident. He often wondered if Nico thought of him-as much as he thought of Nico,

But that was a stupid thought. Stupid. stupid stupid! he was NOT falling for Nico-no he couldn't! he couldn't do that to Piper-or Nico.

The traits of Nico he'd find himself admiring. his quirks, his looks, his scent his voice. his lips-JASON STOP. he mentally punched himself.

Jason sighed, trying to stop feeling sorry for himself-which didn't exactly work..

It had just occured to the blue eyed boy that someone was knocking. He didn't really know who. but he hoped it wasn't Piper..or Percy..or Hazel..or Frank-okay he hoped it was no one. he hoped he was imagining it and he didn't need to leave his wallow of pity and depression, but of course he hadn't. A harsh knocking came again.

Jason cringed at the great volume, "wh-who is it?"
"Nico" the person breathed from outside.
"c-come in" Jason stuttered a bit.

The door creaked open, Nico had small smile. Which really was saying a lot. Since Nico didn't really smile anymore, and it was a rare insists, around either Hazel, or Jason at times. It made Jason feel happy inside-warm. To see when Nico flashed him a smile.

"Grace, your a mess." Nico stated plainly, his bright smile drifting to concern. "You okay?"
a flash of anger in his eyes.
"No! Do I look okay to you!?" Jason snapped.
Nico bit his lip, he knew Jason wasn't okay..but else was he suppose to say?

Jason had bottled everything up far too long, and he couldn't believe he was about to explode in front of Nico. "Jason..." Nico said softly, almost putting a hand of his shoulder, but kept himself from it, as he awkwardly sat with Jason.
"all this pressure to save the world-and no one's considered helping me!"
Nico cringed from both the sudden outburst, and the amount of emotion in Jason's voice.

at first Nico felt anger-no one should drive someone to feel this way-even if they weren't aware of it. Mad that Piper hadn't noticed-or even Leo, Percy! they were Jason's friends! Nico wasn't supposed to be the one to pick up the pieces-yet here he was. "Jason..please.." Jason frowned
"I-I'm here."
"I-I'm here..I-I know I haven't always been..b-but I am. and I'll never leave if you never want me to." Nico said softly, holding Jason's much bigger hands, looking at Jason with certainty,
"I promise."

Then Nico did something that Jason thought he fantasized looking back on it, he kissed him.

Jason couldn't decide if Nico was meaning for it to be long and passionate, or short and sweet.

But once Nico's lips were pressed to Jason's. Jason seized the moment, wrapping his arms around the small sun of Hades. And since Nico didn't actually pull away, and actually kissed back, Jason's hands rested comfortably on Nico's sides. and when they pulled away-Nico didn't run. he stayed-just like he promised.

~haha I ship Jasico- bite me. *death glare daring you to challenge* 

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