Chapter 1: Ronnie and I

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I tried to ask myself why I was crying so hard, but I couldn't even make a sound. I was sitting out in the snow, not knowing where I was. Cars passed by me but no one stopped to help. The blood dripped down from my arm down onto my thigh. As I tried to stand up I just fell back down. I kept glancing behind my wounded shoulder, trying to see if he was still following me. Finally, to my rescue, a car stopped and the man driving rolled down his window. "Are you okay miss? Do you need me to drive you to a hospital?" He said with an angelic, beautiful voice. I tried to speak to him but all I could do was nod my head. "Okay get in miss and I'll take you to the nearest hospital." I could hear the unlocking of his doors as I struggled to stand up. He got out of his car and walked over to help me get in. He took off his black, leather jacket and wrapped it around me to help stop the bleeding. As I got in he asked what happened, sounding worried, though we had never met before. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. "Miss can you talk?" He asked quietly, trying not to sound rude. "I... He's trying to kill me..." I whispered and his eyes grew wide. "Who miss? And could I get your name?" I was quiet and watched the passing lights go by as this kind man's car zipped past them. "By the way miss, you can call me Ronnie. What can I call you?" He smiled and turned to me. "A-Alex." I stopped talking and continued my silence. "Well Alex, can you tell me who was trying to hurt you?" Ronnie stopped smiling and got a serious look on his face.

"Ronnie... I don't really know... He just... He kidnapped me then took me to some sort of cabin. I tried to scream for help but nobody could hear me. I managed to get away and I waited for what seemed like hours for someone to help me. He tried to..." My voice faded off and Ronnie took my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled. "Alex, I know we just met but, I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" I tried to smile and he let go of my hand. We finally got to the hospital, where they took me and Ronnie in and helped tend to my wounds. Ronnie looked like he was scared and he kept glancing out the windows of the skyscraper of a hospital. When I was done being stabbed with needles the nurses took Ronnie and I into a room, where they then left us alone. "Ronnie.... Why do you look so afraid?" I tried to sound strong, but on the inside I was worried for my new friend. "Huh? Oh it's nothing to worry about Alex. You just stay calm and rest, alright? I'm just a little, how should I say this... I'm just a little concerned about you." Ronnie spoke to me like I was someone he knew his whole life, someone he could trust and most of all, someone he had loved for what seemed like forever. I didn't know what to say, so all I did was nod.

I had fallen asleep for a few hours and when I had woken up I saw Ronnie sitting next to my bed, asleep. Had he stayed with me all night? Was he really that worried? I thought to myself as a blonde nurse with pony tails walked in. Ronnie slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. His deep brown eyes looked heavenly as he sat up and the lights shined in them. The nurse checked my blood pressure, given me my medicine and left. "Ronnie? Did you stay here all night with me?" I asked him with a smooth voice. He nodded, smiled then yawned. "I just wanted to pay for your stay here and to make sure you got home safely. I'll drive you home if you want me to." His black hair looked like a raven's feathers, shining beautifully. "I would like that, Ronnie. And maybe... I know we just met and it's kind of odd to ask but, would you like to hang out some time after this?" I asked as my black hair fell in front of my light blue eyes. He smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a plan, Alex." He looked up at the clock above my bed and nodded. The nurse walked back in and told us that we could leave. Ronnie nodded again and the nurse handed him some pills. "Make sure Miss Krow gets her pills every six hours. And also, do not let her do any sports or major physical activity until she is fully recovered. Thank you sir. Take care." The nurse handed back my clothes to Ronnie and he smiled. "Alex are you ready to go home?" I nodded and smiled. Ronnie nodded and helped me out of my bed.

The nurse unhooked the IV and everything else attatched to me, and I walked into the bathroom with my clothes. I came back out in my black t-shirt and jeans on. Ronnie opened the door and we stepped out. "Do you need me to carry you back to the car, Alex? I know it was just your arm that got cut, but it was still a pretty bad one so you might still be a little unsteady." I laughed a little and Ronnie laughed with me. I felt something inside me that I had never felt before. For some reason, being around this man that I just met the other night made me feel happy and calm. Ronnie opened the passenger side door and I sat inside. He got in on the driver's side and put the key in ignition. I felt the dashboard as the engine started up. It rumbled and sound like thunder, and it reminded me of last night when Ronnie found me; storm clouds everywhere, lightning and thunder crashing and starting fires. But oddly, when I thought about that night, at the time when I met this man sitting next to me, I didn't feel scared anymore. I looked at Ronnie as he drove into a gas station. "Hey one second, Alex. We're running low on gas. Here's some money if you want to buy something inside." He opened his wallet and handed me a hundred dollar bill. I stared at it and he smiled. "Buy anything you want." I slowly took the money as he turned to open the tank. As I walked inside, someone pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I recognized them immediatly. It was the man from last night.

"Hey sweetheart! You thought you could get away from me huh?" The man gave me a frightening smile and I turned around to run. "Hold it babe! You're not going anywhere until I'm done with you!" Ronnie suddenly burst through the doors and held me tight against his chest. "Are you the man who hurt Alex? Tell me now!" I had never heard Ronnie shout, and it scared me to hear him with such a tone. The man just laughed and pointed the gun at Ronnie. Ronnie took out a butterfly knife and stepped in front of me. The cashier had called the cops and I could already hear the sirens. "I'm not leaving here until I get that sweet little thing behind your back, tough guy." The man said with a scary tone of voice. "I'm not giving her to you, you bastard!" Ronnie snapped back. Ronnie could tell I was scared and he stepped closer to me. He held one hand out to me, and I grabbed it with fear he would get hurt. I knew this man was dangerous and I had never seen Ronnie fight. A police officer ran in and grabbed the man. Ronnie put away his knife before the cop could see it. The police officer asked us if we were okay, and I nodded as Ronnie held me close to him again. I wondered why he was so worried about me when we had just met. Then I realized that he may be feeling what I was. Feeling like you had known this person and loved them for your whole life, yet you had only just met. The man was put in handcuffs and driven away. Ronnie and I were on our way again, in the car, with just the two of us...

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