C a n c e r

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Josh's point of view
Me and Tyler were writing songs in the basement and every once in a while, Tyler would constantly cough. He looked sick too.
"Maybe you should get some water." I ask concerned
You could here the sick in his voice.
He came back in about 20 minutes.
"I-I threw up." This HAS been happening for a few days now. He also has been getting night swears. I'm not sure what's wrong, But I'm worried.
When we arrived at the Doctors office, Tyler had already threw up 3 times. I was beginning to get more and more worried. We were in the doctors office for over and hour just for them to tell us to go to the hospital because it was too serious. Now I was very worried. Having a panic attack on the inside. As we were driving to the hospital, Tyler held my hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.
"I'm scared, Josh."
"It will be ok Tyler. I'll be there with you."
He smiled as I continued driving.
They took several test on Tyler, Then told us to wait outside. Tyler was crying, Which made me cry.
"What if it's really bad?"
I didn't know what to say. I just hugged him for what seemed like hours. The same people who gave the rest to Tyler, Came out with clipboards.
"We have some bad news."
I held Tyler's hand anxious to know what happened.
"Tyler, From all the test we took, it's final that you have cancer and will be starting chemo therapy soon."
Very short chapter. I'm gonna try to get it up tonight or tomorrow. Vote, like, and comment!

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