J u m p

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After ten minutes of running I found a bridge no one was at. Blurry wasn't telling me to do anything. I was telling my self this was right. I sat at the end on the bridge looking down under my feet seeing the large drop. The tears went down my face so much I couldn't even breath. I deserved this. I'm a worthless faggot. Everyone thinks it. My parents, Kids at school, even my teachers give me that weird look. In fact I just killed a man. Well blurry did but I was apart of it. I deserved it. I deserved to jump so much. The thoughts in my head were to much to process. I positioned myself getting ready to jump as I heard Sirens a few roads away. I could jump and get it over with. They wouldn't know, But the  sirens were getting closer. Closer. Closer. I had to run they would see me. I grabbed my things as I ran off to the woods.
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