Cute Things About Lynus

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anonymous asked:

Would you mind telling us some cute things about Lynus?

Eeeeh, I'm always happy to talk about Lynus~ Here are just some of the cute things about Lynus. I could go on, but I'd like to save some of them for future stories.


When he sleeps, he prefers to sleep on his side and as close to the edge as possible (or his back against the wall next to the bed) to allow anyone else to slip into the bed with him if they need to

By far not the scariest medic at the hospital, he is unknowingly the most deadly with his soft disappointed pout and downcast eyes

He is often surprised how quickly the most disgruntled patients calm down in his presence, though he's pretty sure he's seen Dr Stiles behind him, giving those said patient the evil eye, so is pretty certain he's not the cause (he is the cause; Dr Stiles is just protective of him and is often found loitering)

When he's nervous, his hands need to hold something, be it his bag or Axel's hand. The rest of his guild noticed this and are dropping subtle hints to let him know its ok for him to hold their hand if he needs to

Before he goes to sleep at night he likes to check up on everyone, secretly popping his head into their room to see if they're all right. The others quickly caught onto this and pretend to be asleep when he comes by

Has a soft, gentle singing voice, but only to sing the other person to sleep or ease their anxiety/nerves, so is far too embarrassed to sing aloud in front of a group of people. Only a small handful know he can sing, anyway

Has a very acute sense of when the last time any member of his guild ate or slept, but is unable to apply that sense to himself and often is surprised by how long it's been since he's had anything to eat

He's a scribblier, the more information he tries to jot down quickly, the messier it gets. It often gets to the point where even he has a hard time deciphering it, which he finds embarrassing

Doesn't understand strategic games like chess or anything that requires mathematical equations. Has number dyslexia when he's extremely tired or stressed, which he uses as a sign to finally get some sleep

Is a cuddlier so doesn't mind at all when others hug him. Second to Axel, Magnus is his favourite person to hug


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