Receiving Flowers - Cts and ALE/C

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anonymous asked:

I just thought of an ask for you that is very super important. How would your characters react to receiving flowers from their significant others? (This goes for ALC/E and CTS as well)

Ooh, a super important question indeed~

CtS Crew:


Ah, I'm pretty sure you know how they would react~ Their reactions would be the same. A comment about how beautiful the flowers are and a kiss on the cheek/lips as a thank you. They won't ask "what's the occasion" as they both don't need one. There is, of course, some snuggling and cuddling later, but that's a given no matter what XD


Tobyn would flush a light red and stare at the flowers for a few moments before blushing a deeper shade of red and timidly taking the flowers. He would chide Jhon about not wasting his time and money on flowers, but he would be silently thrilled nonetheless

Jhon would be initially surprised but absolutely thrilled by the gift. He would take the flowers readily and with a genuine "Thank you, they're lovely" comment before placing them in a place where he can see them


Magnus would stare at the flowers in a bewildered manners as he instinctively takes them into his hands. He would then blush a deep red and utter a squeak of shy embarrassment and unintentionally bury his face into the flowers to hide his blush. He would be happy, though~

Shen would look at them with his brow furrowed in confusion. He would take them, though not necessarily knowing what to do with them. He would pluck out a flower and curl it behind Magnus' ear though because he believes flowers look better on him


Macerio would immediately blush at them and stutter something like "W-what am I supposed to do with these?" but he would take them nonetheless and he would smile softly at them as well, unaware that Lirit can still see him. He would squawk something about needing to find water for them before scurrying off

Lirit would be unashamedly pleased and would be so delighted as he receives the flowers. He would comment about how beautiful they are. He would then try to plant a thank you kiss on Macerio, who would initially struggle because it's embarrassing, but he wouldn't struggle too hard and Lirit would simply grab him and kiss his cheek


Hamza would take the flowers and with a teasing grin slip an arm around Cedric's waist and pull him close to him. "Oh, and what are we sucking up for, I wonder?" He is only teasing, of course. He would then kiss Cedric on the lips as a thank you

Cedric would also be unashamedly thrilled. He would take the flowers, cradle them in the crook of his arm before reaching up and kissing Hamza on the lips before he sets out to place the flowers in a vase and fuss over them to arrange them just right


Simmons would undoubtedly be confused as heck when he is presented with the flowers (and let's face it, Rahas would give them to him in a confusing way like simply shoving them into his face and fleeing). He would take the flowers though and smile down at them with a soft look in his eyes. He would then carry them around with him all day~

Rahas would simply snatch at the flowers quickly and look around, hoping that no one else saw them. He would hold them delicately in the crook of his arm though and pretend they were a nuisance, but good luck to anyone who tries to take them off of him :D

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