Fanfic Questions

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KLyn756 from asked:

#Will Lynus ever reach Tharsis physically? Or just through letters?

For now it is just through the letters because he's the best medic in Lagaard and a lot of people are unwilling to let him go ^^ One day, though, he would like to visit Tharsis. But if there is a reason for him to go sooner, he'd be more than willing to go in case someone in Tharsis desperately needs his help

#Does the people in High Lagaard knew about the existence of dragons?

In the current CtS timeline, Lagaard only knows about the dragons through myths and legends. No one has visibly laid eyes on a dragon before. Well, not lived to tell about it at least. But since this question popped up during the ALE/FRPO timeline, the CtS crew know all about the dragons of their labyrinth and dealt with them all ^^ There's a two year gap between CtS and ALE. So, yeah, the Guardians are badass veterans during the ALE timeline

#Will there be a chapter for Varuna and Bryce? (I suddenly missed this couple for some reason xD)

There will always be more chapters of any couple ^^

#Is there anyone in High Lagaard ever been in Tharsis? or vise versa?

Nope, no one in Lagaard has been to Tharsis or visa versa. Two separate cities

#Is there a chance for Roxbury's guild members to adopt a pet?

At this point in time; no. They have Zoran as their mascot anyway ^^

#I think I have not read about a hexer in ALE-verse, is there?

There are no hexer class in EO4/ALE. The closest equivalent is arcanist/vessel with their circle magic.

lastly-- Will Avith show his self again ? or he'll just better be forgotten?

With CtS still ongoing there will always be a chance that Avith will pop up and cause shit again. And, of course, Zalaph will be with him, following along but exasperated with Avith in the background

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