Untold1 and Remedy

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KLyn756 from FanfictionNet asked:

#REMEDY and gang--

Are you really gonna make a series bout them? *-* Is it going to be a 40 chaptered stories or longer?#REMEDY and gang--

As of right now, I'm not particularly working on anything solid for this series. But the plotline I have drafted would make it by far the longest, most detailed novel I have ever written. It has taken on a life of it's own, going floor by floor, and making up a few locations/places inside of town to be explored as well. It's potential is enormous! D: It's rather intimidating.


I'll leave this space open in case any further questions are asked specifically about Remedy and the Untold1 story idea I have. It's nothing but draft at the moment, but I may work on it a bit at a time ^^

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