Last Aid

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The meeting room was full, Angela stood in next a welcoming German tower of a man she knew as Reinhardt Wilhelm. Reinhardt was rather welcoming to Angela and made sure everyone got to know her. Angela felt like a dwarf compared to him but then again so did everyone especially Torbjorn.

Jack Morrison stood at the opposite side of the table that was placed in the centre of the room wearing his usual attire. Jack cleared his throat and the room fell silent. Ana stood to his left and in the right corner of the room, a man stood there his face was covered in shadow. The man did not dress like the rest of the people he wore black compared to the rest of people in Overwatch who wore blue or black and orange.

"Talon, The Shimada clan and Deadlock gang." Jack began pacing up and down the room. " Two weeks ago we performed a raid on the Deadlock gang. The raid was successful, however, two people were injured." Jack spared a glance at Angela when he said this. "We also acquired an asset thanks to the Blackwatch leader: Gabriel Reyes." The man in the corner huffed. Angela deduced that he must have been Gabriel Reyes. An Image of what looked like a cowboy suddenly appeared, projected on the wall. "Jesse Mccree, a former member of the Deadlock gang. He will be working under Gabriel Reyes in Blackwatch." A couple of laughs were heard around the room.

"Ha ha, zis little man wants to join us." The loud German man blurted out. This was followed up by an eruption of laughter around the room.

"Silence!" Ana shouted and the room soon obliged. Angela could compare this too when she was at school with Ana being the teacher and the rest of the room hyper teenagers. Only none of the hyper teenagers dared to answer Ana back.

The projected image of Jesse Mccree changed to a bird's eye view of a warehouse. "We have recently intercepted and tracked comms from the Shimada clan, if they are correct they lead to a weapons deal in south Korea. We have sent this information to the Korean government and we now have permission to act on Korean soil. So, if we plan this right the Shimada clan will be walking straight into an ambush." Jack said. Angela looked around the room she had heard of the Shimada clan and how dangerous they are, a part of her wished she was on this mission so she could help anyone if they were to be injured."The mission is not for three weeks you will be given your full debriefing then. That will be all."

Angela was back in the lab and could barely hold in her excitement. It Worked! It would have taken her years to do something like this back at her old hospital. A  nano biotic field generator anyone who was in its radius would be repaired by the nanomachines. The nanomachines would heal damaged cells.

 Angela had to be sure it would work, however. That meant damaging some of her own cells This was either going go incredibly well or not so well.  Angela proceeded to grab a scalpel... On second thoughts a needle would also do the job. She pricked herself with the needle and her finger began to bleed. She then placed the biotic field down to see her minor injury on her finger heal as if by magic.

David heard Angela's commotion and burst into the lab with a concerning look on his face. When Angela saw this look she could not hold back a laugh that erupted from within her. "Errm did I miss something," David said. Even more confused now.

"Look!" Angela said holding up her finger to David.

"Errrrm, are you alright," David said.

"Yes! It works." Angela said.

"What works?" David said revealing his frustration.

"The thing," Angela said. David's face stayed blank. "The biotic field." 

"You could've just told me that!" David shouted looking exhausted.

After the recent confusion with David, Angela thought she should show her new invention to Jack to see if she could get it field tested. When Angela approached his office she noticed that Gabriel Reyes was leaving Jack's office and Reyes did not look happy. Morrison's door was left open and he had his head in his hands. Morrison looked up at Angela and put on a fake smile.

"Is this a bad time?" Angela asked nervously.

"No, I was just... Never mind. What did you want to see me for Angela?" Jack said with his fake smile still apparent. Angela handed Jack her new invention. Jack observed it in his hand for a while."What is this?" Jack said still observing the device.

"Place it down," Angela said. Jack placed it on his desk, upon doing so the device opened emitting a field of nanomachines that were invisible to the naked eye. All that was visible was a golden light pouring out and around the device. 

"Anything within that vicinity will be healed by the nanomachines that device is emitting," Angela said proudly.

"Looks like you're settling in well," Jack said. "I guess I should expect you doing well. I mean you are a very smart woman."

"Thank you, Jack. I was wondering if this could be used on the upcoming mission," Angela said.

"Of course! Take it to Torbjorn, he will test it and make sure it can be used in the field."

While Torbjorn was assessing Angela's new invention, Angela went back to her office to relax that was until someone opened her door. It was Jesse Mccree the man who shot her brother.

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