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The swords clashed. Genji looked his brother in his eyes only to see anger and no regret. Blood was splashed on Genji's hair and was dripping on to the floor. The dripping was loud. The painting above them telling the tale of the two dragon brothers twisted and turned. The brothers clashed again but there was one difference the sound of a sword penetrating flesh. Hanzo grunted as the sword emerged from his back.

When Genji saw the bloodstained sword he gasped almost louder than Hanzo. The blood continued to drip but louder this time. "I'm s-sorry" Genji managed to breathe. Hanzo's hand went to caress Genji's face but could not instead it fell limp. Tears fell down Hanzo's cheeks. That was when Hanzo took his last breath.

With a pool of red on the floor, Genji looked at his hands that were covered with his brothers' blood.

Genji jolted awake gasping for air but something did not feel right. His breathing sounded and felt mechanical. A sharp numbness in his arms and lower torso made his unfamiliar voice groan. His eyes scanned the room revealing the plain white ceiling and walls. Genji quickly deduced this was not the Shimada castle the heart monitor beeping gave it away.

Genji looked at his arm in shock scars ruining what was pristine smooth skin. A whimper escaped when he looked at his left arm. Nothing. The heart monitor increased its pace not that it could be heard over the terrifying scream that left Genji's mouth. His only arm was scrambling around trying to remove his leather shackles. 


Hanzo did this to him. Hanzo had to pay for what he did. Hanzo had to die to Genji's blade. Hanzo will die to Genji's blade. 

Genji's throat burned, but that did not stop him from making a promise. "I will kill Hanzo."

Lena fell through the sky. Angela's heart raced. Winston had jumped to catch her but mid-air she just phased through him. Both figures fell to the ground. Angela's mind went into autopilot mode as she bolted to Lena's side. 

Lena looked transparent with a blue hue hanging over her. Angela tried to move her over to her side but her hands just went straight through Lena. Soon Winston was by Angela's side calling out for help. Angela had no idea what to do and Lena was becoming more and more faded.

Lena asked for one last plea for help before she completely disappeared. Winston's face shifted. His anger took control of him as he slammed his fist into the tarmac easily cracking it. "It's my fault!" Angela did not get a chance to say anything before he leapt away out of her teary view.

A pair of arms wrapped around Angela and the world seemed to go black.

"How are you feeling?" Genji said his hand squeezed hers. His eyes looked so gentle and his smile was refreshing. "I'm gonna be completely honest, that was a lie. I don't care." His grip on her hand started to hurt. "You'd know a lot about lying, wouldn't you?"

"I-I" Angela stuttered

Scars started to form on Genji's face as he smiled sadistically at Angela. His grip felt crushing. "Did you ever tell me the truth or do find it fun making someone love you and not reciprocate. I bet you wouldn't love me now. Are these scars too ugly?" Genji held a blade to her throat. "You did this!" Genji pointed to Lena who was lifeless on the floor and Sam with bruises all over his face. "We've had enough Angela!"

Angela shrieked and sat up in bed. Sweat was running down her brow and she was gasping for breath. She was in her dorm. Angela's head went straight to Lena. An image of the pilot falling out of the sky replayed its self in slow-motion in her head. 

It was six in the morning and it was snowing outside the Swiss base. Angela did not want to leave her room it felt a lot more safe from the comfort from her bed. 

A small note was left at the bottom of her bed. It read:

I know you probably have a lot of questions but first things first you fainted so I carried you back to your room. Lena, we don't know what happened but Winstons trying everything to get her back. Genji also woke up and according to the doctors he is stable.

Hope you get well


Angela sighed. Her head hurt from trying to prosses all this information. Angela had a lot to do but was dreading doing any of it. She would have to break the news to Genji and what if he overreacted, Angela had no idea if an increased heart rate would destabilise Genji's condition.

Angela stood in front of the medical bay. Her heart in her throat she walked in. She had to keep a professional stance. Genji was her patient nothing more, If only she believed that.

Genji's eyes glared at her, Angela wasn't sure if it was anger or happiness. The constant beeing of the heart rate monitor increased. "Angela? Am I dreaming? No. Why are you here?" Genji's metallic voice struggled. Angela was falling apart already. She knew all the answers, the hard part was telling Genji. The scars did not disturb Angela. She just saw the man she fell for in Hanamura.

"I-I'm your doctor, Genji." Angela breathed. "We found you in the castle gasping for life and I couldn't let you die." Angela was shacking. She needed Genji to understand. She did this for him.

Genji's fist clenched. "Wait, you work with Overwatch!" Genji's fist clenched. His eyes were searching Angela's expression trying to see if she was lying. "You brought me back? I-I was dead?"

"No, but you were close," Angela said her shaking hand trying to push her fringe out of her eyes. "I need you to know what we had i-it was..."

Genji's fist slamming into the bedside table cut her off. "WHY!" Genji panted. "I didn't ask for this!" His voice broke into a whimper. Angela flinched and Genji's usual caring nature did not show he just looked relentless

Angela didn't know what to say. Genji angry was an unrecognisable sight to her. "I'm sorry." 

Genji's raged filled eyes stared at her. "For which part? When you lied to me? When you put me in danger? Or when you dined my death?"

"I was under orders!" Angela tried to reason with him.

"Don't bullshit me you know you're in the wrong!" His scared chest rapidly rising and falling just as fast as Angela's chest. "Just grant me one more whish oh Angela of death." Genji mocked. Angela's heart felt like it was being ripped in half. 'How could he say something like this?'

Angela tried not to react holding back the tears, she had to be brave for her sparrow. "A-anything."

"Let me kill my brother. Make me a monster. Make me a killing machine." Genji said relentlessly his eyes held the fury of a dragon.


Author's Note: I'm sorry. It's just I wanted a rage-filled Genji. Trust me it will pay off later maybe ;). Thanks for all your support It really helps encourage me to write. I don't know when the next chapter will be released I don't really have a schedule. But Christmas is coming soon so......

Thanks for reading and whatnot see ya next chapter.

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