Falling Apart

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After the mission debriefing, the cyborg had finally been left alone to his thoughts. Reyes didn't have much to say. He wasn't even phased when Genji told him what he had done. When they did try to offer solemn words to the ninja, they didn't mean anything. How could they? How would they know what he has been through?

"Genji Shimada is required in the training room, immediately." An automated voice said over the intercom.

Genji almost flinched when he heard his family name. It was only made worse when he knew Hanzo was still out there running the Shimada clan. Genji needed to end him and soon. Grabbing his gear the cyborg looked at his sword. Especially made for him, it had been washed since he had covered it in his own family's blood. Around him was everyone's weapons in Blackwatch. Mccree's peacekeeper and Reye's shotguns, for a moment Genji ran his fingers across the pistol. He had been trained to use firearms but they lacked flair and stealth and besides what would it matter when he was faster than a bullet.

Outside the training room, he saw a short girl in a black and orange jumpsuit. However, there was one defining feature that confused Genji, a device strapped to her chest with blue rings on both the front and back. Seeing Genji, the girls face lit up.

"Oh! So you must be my opponent. I don't think I've seen you before," Lena stuck out a hand for Genji to shake, to which the cyborg ignored. Her expression dropped. "I'm Lena by the way." Genji still didn't reply. "You are?"

"Genji" He finally replied.

"Genji, I should have known Dr Ziegler talks about you all the time." This caught the ninja's attention as he raised his head to make eye contact. "In fact, I think she will be watching this fight she needs to see if I'm combat ready. So if I randomly disappear into another timeline don't worry too much."

Genji tilted his head in confusion, at least Blackwatch made some sort of sense, there are no time travellers in there, only cyborg ninjas and cowboys. On second thought nothing in Overwatch made sense.

"Don't go easy on me I can take it." To this Genji chuckled, she must have been good if they were putting her against Blackwatch's strongest agent. The training room doors finally opened and each of them took their corners. Looking up at the observation deck, Genji could see both Winston and Angela watching them. Two monitors could also be seen with the cyborgs and time travellers vitals. Genji smirked to himself, Angela had never seen him fight before he was looking forward to showing off.

At the other side of the room, Lena was stretching and taking the safety off her pistols. Genji watched her movements. From a quick glance, he guessed that she would be using speed to outmanoeuvre him. He still had no idea what that device on her chest did. If he was to guess it might give her shields or increase her speed. No wonder they matched together if they both utilised speed.

"Before we start," Anglea's voice could be heard over the coms. "If any of you take serious damage I will call it off. Or if Lena's choronal accelerator malfunctions the fight will be called off." Genji looked at the shurikens he had been given, they were a different type than usual, a lot blunter. "Good luck"

The lights suddenly went green. Genji was too distracted by Angela's voice to see Tracer had already closed the gap between them. Genji soon learned what the device was for it was to let her teleport short distances in any direction, that's how she closed the gap so quickly. Genji threw a fan of shurikens to stop her advance. None hit her but did put some space between them.

The space between them soon shortened as both ran at each other at full speed. Genji used his powerful enhancements to send him into the air. This was matched also by tracer as she jumped too. Genji was ready to swing and send Lena back down to the ground. Reading himself he swung his sword as hard as he could. It didn't connect. Genji immediately looked to his rear where he saw Lena firing at him. He only had a chance to block some of the incoming damage. Luckily for him, Tracers SMG's did not have a big magazine, so not much hit him.

Genji landed on his feet whereas Tracer fell to her side. He concluded that she had still not mastered using her teleportation. She did not stay on her side for long she blinked into cover in order to avoid the shuriken flying her way. The cyborg was fast but there was no way he could keep up with Tracer. He decided he would have to stay on the defensive.

Tracer shot a volley of puls munitions at Genji, she soon learned that the cyborg ninja could be fast too. Every one of her shots was reflected back in her direction, all hitting their mark. Tracer clutched her choronal accelerator in pain. Genji smiled, he had bested the cocky Brit. To his surprise, she winked at him before disappearing leaving blue light behind. Genji looked around desperately to see she was back behind the cover without a scratch on her.

"Sorry Genji should have mentioned I can travel back in time," Lena said before blinking to a new location.

Genji scowled. Her blinking could not last forever, he would just have to beat her in a battle of endurance. If she was going to play dirty, so would he. Genji had never unleashed his dragon in Overwatch before. He tired in his first training match but to his disappointment Soba was not ready. This time it was different, he felt her familiar burn. He wasn't about to let a new recruit best him nor was Soba.

"Ryūjin no ken wo kūrae!" Genji shouted. He felt his dragon engulf his body with new found energy, speed and power. For a moment the room glowed green when Genji drew his sword. He dashed forward with speed. Tracer tired to blink away but as soon as she got to her new location Genji had already caught up. This continued for a few more times until the device on her chest could no longer keep up. One final blink led her straight to Genji's blade. It was held mere centimetres away from her neck.

"Yield!" Genji ordered.

Tracer obliged dropping her guns to the floor. "W-what on earth was that?" Lean said out of breath. Genji looked up to the observation deck, Anglea looked horrified, whereas Winston held an interested gaze.

The cyborg already regretted showing his dragon. No dought he would be flooded with questions on how they could use it to Overwatch's advantage, or how he summoned such creatures. He did not respect his family but he would not let their spirit dragons be exploited.

The cyborg looked to the observation deck. Someone finally declared the match over. Genji left the training room he was immediately stopped by Angela. Who raced after him. Genji didn't have to turn around to know it was her running after him.

"Shouldn't you be attending to Lena?" Genji said spitefully. He turned to face the doctor.

"Winston said he would." Angela looked at the floor with guilt. She shook it off and faced Genji. "What the hell was that? Why did you never?" Angela took a breath.

"Exactly because of this! You don't need to know everything about me if you did you wouldn't look at me the same."

"It's not a bad thing, what you did it was amazing."

"Why can't you get it into your head?" Genji shouted in retaliation. "I don't use this for good. If that was real life. Lena would've died. Just like the rest of the people that have died to that power. Now that I've shown it, Moira or Reyes will probe me until they find a way to use it to their desires."

Anglea looked at him in hurt. "What's happened to you? Ever since those secret missions, you have turned into something else."

"I've always been this, it's just you're too innocent to see it."

Angela looked disgusted. "What do you think I am? I'm not just a girl scout who has a magic wand that makes everything better. No. I saw your mangled body. I've seen death and what people can do. Many a time I've thought about leaving this organisation because of the disgusting things it's done. But I look at people like Jack and Ana, even Reyes. They are making this world a better place." Anglea sighed and put a hand to Genji's chin lifting it so he made eye contact with her. "You are making the world a better place."

Genji brushed her hand away. "That's not why I fight. I don't fight for Overwatch or Reyes or good. I don't even fight for you. I will kill my brother, that's why I fight. The rest of you are just stepping stones."

"Go away," Angela mumbled. He didn't move. "Fuck off! I'm not your stepping stone. I thought for some stupid reason you still cared."

Genji showed no emotion. He turned and left her alone. It was better this way if she wasn't attached to him. She is only keeping him down.

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