Hanzo Shimada

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It had been three months since the event now nicknamed the 'London Uprising'. A small Overwatch strike team, illegally, solved the uprising. This did not help with Blackwatch's current suspension from any kind of active duty. Reyes had given up caring now though. His exact words to Genji were "You will tear your family apart no matter what the UN or Jack says," and the rage-fueled ninja was not going to pass up a chance like this. 

He found himself on the rooftops of Hannamura once again. The winds were fairly calm yet being this high up they still whistled in the cyborg's ear. This time he was accompanied by the cowboy. It seems that Reyes had taken Angela's request seriously. Overlooking the Shimada castle, both agents perched on the rooftop. One illuminated by the cigar he was smoking and the other illuminated by his red cybernetics. Although it was the night, Hanamura was a very bright city. One wrong move and the duo would be spotted. It didn't help that Jesse was currently flicking his lighter on and off out of boredom.

Mccree's constant fidgeting was not the only thing running through the ninja's head, however. They were maybe a street away from the castle. From their current lookout, Genji could see the arcade he and Anglea went to on their first date. For a moment curiosity ran through him, was he still the highest scorer? It was stupid and childish though, instead, he shook it off and pretended that he never had such pleasures. 

That was easier said than done. Angela's face came back to him. It was so easy back then. When he could tease her and watch her roll her eyes at his stupid jokes. Showing her around Hanamura was the best time of his life. She wasn't like any other girl he had met, she didn't really address his wealth and family instead treated him equally as if he was just another man.

Just another man. Genji looked at his cybernetic arm, was he even a man anymore? Guilt tore through him when he thought back to what he said to Angela. Genji tried to convince himself that he was lying but he did care about her. What he said was not true. He sighed, how many times must he push her away?      

His thoughts were interrupted "If the rest of the clan leaders are dead then its just your brother right?" Jesse finally broke the silence. 

"You will not touch him." Genji readied three shurikens. "He will die to my blade." 

Jesse had learned not to question the cyborg's intentions. Instead, they headed for the castle. As they had previously agreed, they would split up. Jesse was to search Hanzo's quarters and Genji was to search the main area. And so they did, what Genji found did surprise him though.

The main hall was empty save one man. Around that man laid a feather and incense sticks. Genji knew exactly who was before him. Hanzo Shimada was meditating in front of Genji. His brother, his killer was right in front of him, unaware Genji was just meters away from him.

The cyborg was well aware of what he should do. What he should be doing is notifying Mccree that he has found Hanzo. However, what Genji really wanted to do was kill his brother. Genji's hand slowly made its way to the grip of his sword. At any moment he could remove his sword from his sheath and pounce on his brother. If he placed it right, one swing could end his brother's life. He readied himself to move. 

He was interrupted.

"I am not sure how long I can keep up this act." The words felt so cold they froze Genji in place, yet they also felt somewhat familiar. "You must be watching me". 

He couldn't breathe. All of Genji's hatred for the man who killed him was suddenly replaced with fear for his brother. Did Hanzo know he was there? Genji wanted to move his hand to his hilt but couldn't. The man who turned into Genji into a monster was there right in front of him and the ninja was frozen in fear. Before Genji could even consider anything else Hanzo spoke up.  

"How am I supposed to redeem myself? I know I ask you this every time brother. I want to leave it all behind and start again. This family. Our family. It is not the same one as when father and mother were here. It's my fault." Hanzo stood back up but by the time he turned around to leave Genji had left the castle.

Genji only stopped after he was well away from the castle walls. He was short for breath and panting heavily. His head felt like a ton of bricks. He could have killed Hanzo why didn't he? Genji's grip on his blade was so strong he could have snapped it. Why did Hanzo seem to have so much regret? 

"Genji? Where the hell are you?" Mccree's voice rung over his comm device.

Genji took a moment just to regain his composure. He then answered his comm. "I'm calling in the jet we are leaving"

"What? Why?" Mccree sounded concerned.

 Genji didn't need his empathy. "There is no point in carrying on this mission any further, meet me at the LZ" 

Genji felt like he could collapse at any moment. What was wrong with him. All it would have taken was one flick of his wrist and Hanzo could have been dead. Did he feel some sort of empathy? He couldn't have. That was the man who killed him, who turned him into a monster. Hanzo deserved no empathy.

Yet on the Jet back home Genji wondered to himself that if maybe he was more of a monster Hanzo would be dead right now. Was it the Human side holding him back? He couldn't go back to finish the Shimada clan now. Not after his failure. Maybe he should tell Reyes to abandon the effort on the Shimada clan. After that atrocity, Genji had abandoned what hope was left of killing his brother. 

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