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Mccree didn't really stand a chance, not in close quarters anyway. To put it simply 'he was getting his ass handed to him'. Fareeha on the other time found it quite amusing watching someone she looked up to getting demolished. Fareeha looked around, no one else was laughing, for now, she tried to stifle it. In truth, she couldn't help but laugh. Angela stood next to her on the observation deck, she neither couldn't help but smirk a bit as the cocky cowboy got put in his place.

Genji stood above the cowboy (who was currently on the floor winded). The cyborg held out a hand for the Jesse, who accepted. "Ahh, when I said don't go easy on me I kind of meant go easy on me. You know, Fareeha is watching."

Genji chuckled. "I was going easy on you."

Mccree picked up his hat and tipped towards Fareeha who waved shyly."That's a joke right?" Mccree turned to the cyborg. 

"Nope," Genji said before leaving the training room. Outside, he saw Angela and Fareeha laughing as they came from the observation deck. When he was spotted by the teenager she ran over beaming at him. Suddenly, Genji felt very ill, the thought of Fareeha looking up to him like she did the rest of Overwatch. He was a weapon, not a hero.

"You're awesome, where did you learn how to do that flip!" Genji was about to answer but Fareeha didn't let him. "What about that kick, Angela wasn't that really cool!"

"It was pretty cool." Angela smiled at Genji.

"C-could you like teach me, my mom teaches me all the time but not like anything you can do." Fareeha could not look any more ecstatic. 

Genji was speechless. No one had ever really looked up to him before. All the children in the Shimada clan were told not to speak with him because he was a bad example. "Arigato, however, I don't think Ana would approve of me teaching you to become a ninja."

"And besides, I'm sure Mccree will want to see you." Angela chirped in. "So why don't you go catch up."

"Ok, see you later ninja dude." Fareeha waved before running off. Genji's day had just been made. Fareeha didn't even judge him for the robotic parts he had she just treated him like anyone else. 

Angela looked at him with a sly smile. "She's cute, isn't she?" Genji rubbed the back of his neck a little flustered. 

"Nobody has ever talked to me like that before, nobody has ever really looked up to me like that." Genji sighed. "Ana raised her well."

"It takes a village, or in this case Overwatch," Angela said still smiling softly. "And get used to people looking up to you, you're a hero now remember." Angela put a hand on his shoulder. 

"I don't feel like a hero."

"You are to me." Angela winked and Genji went bright red. 

Together the two continued down the corridor in content silence. "Did you actually think I was cool in there?" Genji burst out. Angela just sighed.

The rest of the afternoon went as expected. Computer work. Angela didn't really enjoy it nor dislike it. It wasn't long before her mind started to wonder. She grinned when she thought of how happy Genji seemed today. Fareeha had a great impact on him. In fact, Genji had been doing a lot better for the past few days. Angela could see it in his eyes (maybe because that's the only part of him you could see). 

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a blackout. Lights flickered off and her work she was doing on the computer suddenly shut off unsaved. Angela buried her face in her hands. "Scheisse." Angela groaned. Pulling out her phone, Angela illuminated the room. Outside her office, she saw a few people wandering around with a confused look. Joining in the confusion Angela stepped outside her office, where she found a Gorilla bounding towards her.

"Dr Ziegler! I need you to come with me quickly." Winston said out of breath.

Angela didn't even question it she just assumed it was important. Winston leads her to what looked like an empty room. The room, however, contained a spherical container. Angela had to check twice to what she saw next. Infront of her, she saw Lena Oxton wearing something on her chest. Lena started Angela with two fingers with a smile on her face. 

"I-I, Winston? What did you do?" Angela said stuttering.

"That doesn't matter just make sure she is ok I need to know everything is normal," Winston replied.

With no further arguments, Angela got to work. Her mind racing, she saw Winston in a different light. He didn't give up on Lena when everyone else did. Lena, on the other hand, didn't really talk much. She looked different, she still smiled but it seemed fake or forced. Angela couldn't imagine how Lena was still here. Winston must have slaved away trying to bring her back and Angela wasn't able to comprehend how he did it. But all in all, she was glad to have Lena back.

After a long complex explanation of how Winston did it, something about time travel and a chronal thing, Angela wanted to talk to Lena. "What was it like, Lena?" Angela said with concern.

"I saw things that had happened and things that will happen but none of it made sense. Although I did see people I recognised."

Angela was now more interested than anything now. "Did you see me?"

"Yea but you were very young and crying," Lena said trying to laugh it off. "It was quite sad actually." Lena was still putting on a fake smile. 

Angela felt quite guilty now. "Oh. Sorry" Angela still could not stop wondering what Lena saw. However, Lena was alive and that was all that matters. I guess there was no normal in Overwatch because of the cyborg ninjas and time travelling girls. Angela wouldn't have it any other way.

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