You'd Better Keep Up

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Humming could be heard as the engines on the Orca slowly ignited. Kicking up dust and debris into the air. Aboard the Orca were two unlikely companions. A cyborg ninja and a cowboy sat ready for taking off. The final automated countdown signalled that the Orca had lifted off. The humming soon turned in to rumbling as the ship reached high speeds. Their destination, after all, was very far away, it was Japan. 

Reyes had given Genji another opportunity at dismantling his family's empire. The cyborg was not one to turn that sort of opportunity down there was, however, a catch. Jesse Mccree was to accompany him as the cowboy had requested it. Genji didn't question why he only hoped he would not get in the way. 

Mccree had given up trying to make small talk with Genji. The ninja was having none of it. In fact ever since the topic of this mission had come up Genji had changed slightly, not responding, instead just staring into nothingness.

Time flew by and the company had made it to Japan. The team were situated on a rooftop. Only a few rooftops away from them was their objective. It was a mansion where a formal party was being held. The lights of the party could be seen reflecting through its glass ceiling. Jesse checked his watch, it was 7 o'clock. He looked back up at Genji who was stood at the edge of the roof ready to strike.

"You need to relax, Hanzo doesn't get her for another hour at least." Mccree lit his cigar. To this Genji shot him a glare before turning around to face the party. "You know, I can kinda get what you're going through I've had to betray family too."

"This isn't betrayal, they deserve to slaughtered by my blade." That was the first response Mccree had gotten out of Genji in hours. "And you nothing of what I feel."

The cowboy shrugged and continued to smoke his cigar. Sadly, the peace and quiet were interrupted by fireworks. Mccree smiled to himself knowing that they would mask his gunshots if things got ugly. It's not like a suppressor could fit on his gun anyway.

"Get ready." Genji signalled for the cowboy to join him at the edge of the rooftop. A black car could be seen pulling into the drive of the building. Out of it emerged Hanzo as well as a few others Genji recognised. Mccree looked to his left to see the cyborg's human arm shaking visibly.

"Huh, he arrived early." Mccree started to load his revolver not wanting to mention Genji's arm. "Maybe our intel was off. We should check if the meeting is still being held in the basement." 

Genji didn't seem to even hear what Mccree said, instead he was focused on his brother. Unconsciously, the ninja had readied some shurikens to kill Hanzo with. His hand was pulled back to his side. In anger, Genji riped it away only to see Mccree looking concerned. "You'll get the chance, just not yet."

The cowboy was right but Genji tried not to show it. "I'll check the basement, you join the party and keep an eye on Hanzo." Mccree sighed, as he looked at the invite he stole and the suit he was wearing. 

"Was hoping you wouldn't say that." Genji didn't reply. "How do I look?" Mccree said brushing himself off. Genji didn't reply again but Mccree did catch him scoffing.

The pair split up each with a job to do. Genji would check the basement and prepare an ambush. Mccree was to tail Hanzo a job that wasn't going to be as easy as he had hoped. Mccree approached the manor, rubbing his clean-shaven face uneasy. Reyes had told him to shave otherwise he would stand out too easily.

The main door was guarded by an omnic, it looked like it was checking invites. Mccree was glad it was an omnic, they are less likely to catch onto body language and other tells. As he approached the line he could just see Hanzo entering the manor. "Hmmph, I guess the leader of the Shimada clan gets a priority boarding pass or something," Mccree mumbled to himself.

The cowboy handed his invite over to the omnic. It was only now that Mccree noticed how big the omnic was. It was twice the size of Mccree in hight and wide enough to take on Reinhardt. The omnic took a look at the invite and another look at Mccree. It motioned for Mccree to take another step forward. He swallowed hard as he was face to face with the metal monster. Its hand reached forwards to Mccree. Before Mccree could act he saw the omnic remove the cigar Jesse had in his top pocket. 

"No smoking." The omnic the let Jesse pass. Mccree patted his top pocket and sighed in relief. Inside the party were many people laughing, dancing and speaking a language the cowboy did not understand. This was going to be more difficult then he had imagined. How would he find one person in a sea of people? 

Genji in the found his task very easy. A door to the basement could be found on the outside of the building. All he had to do is wait for someone to enter or leave. Patience was not his strong suit, luckily he did not have to wit for long because the door was opened. Genji jumped from his perch to the door. When he landed no sound could be heard, and he moved so fast that the guard that had opened the door could not even react. Then a  sound was made as the body hit the floor. This didn't phase Genji as he descended into the dank basement.

The stairway led to another door. The ninja opened it slightly to see something that did surprise him. It was the elders of the Shimada clan all sat around a table along with a couple of people Genji did not recognise. 

Genji's eyes glowed red. These were the people that had ordered his death. He was now plotting in his head the fastest way to kill them. Even if he burst through this door they wouldn't have enough time to react and with his new cyborg speed, he could put an end to their miserable existence. His cyborg arm burned. Where his dragon tattoo once was. Was Soba trying to warn him or was she telling him she was ready to strike?

"We know you are there, intruder." Genji froze "Your breathing was way too heavy, I would have thought you would have learned to regulate it by now." An elder said. Genji recognised the voice of Riku Shimada. "Step into the light where we can see you." Genji's mind was racing they clearly had a plan and would try to kill him. Maybe if Genji played his cards right he could still end them.

Genji entered the room. He saw the five elders sat at a table smoking and drinking. By their reactions, none of them had recognised him. The red eyes were doing there part. To his surprise there were no more guards, they must have been discussing something private. Genji's hand was still resting on his sword ready to unleash it and end them.

"You've come to-" Genji unsheathed his blade and slaughtered them, all of them. They had no time to react just as he had planned. It had only taken a second to cut them all down dead. His blade ripped through them as if they were just paper.   

There he was covered head to toe in crimson red. His family's blood dripped from his body. Genji fell to his knees. To his left was the person who had given Genji his first sword, his face still had a shocked expression on it. 

He felt nothing though. No sense of satisfaction. Genji tried stabbing their dead bodies. Each wound hoping for some sort of gratification. Nothing changed. He still felt the same emptiness as before. 

"You cant of died this easily" Genji whispered at their dead bodies. No reply. He screamed this time pure hatred just left his lungs. "Do something you bastards!" The cyborg paced up and down the room knocking over tables and any other object silly enough to cross his path. Even in death, they were against him by not giving Genji the satisfaction he yearned for. 

A smooth southern voice interrupted Genji's fit of madness. "Genji you need to get out of there, Hanzo knows I'm following him, we're gonna have to abandon the mission."

"Ok" They cyborg put on a fake reaction and as soon as the coms channel closed he screamed again at the top of his lungs.

The mission was over and both agents were pulled out of Japan after Genji had told them what he had done. It was a failure. The cyborg was in a terrible state knowing he would have never had a chance like that again. Only one word was shared on the way back.


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