The Angel

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They had all eyes on Hanzo. It was only then when Genji noticed how tired Hanzo looked. His mood had changed entirely from this morning but the recent news would change anyone's' mood. However, even with the recent news of his father's death, Hanzo's face remained neutral but Hanzo was a lot better at remaining calm than Genji. Hanzo exhaled loudly before asking the elders to continue with the meeting and they did.

This broke Genji.

How could they just continue so nonchalantly, as if nothing had even happened? Genji's pleading eyes stared at Hanzo telling him to stop this madness. Hanzo just ignored his plea and this just made Genji more frustrated. Hanzo had changed into a completely different man.

Genji tried to look back to when he and Hanzo were children, he was always so protective of Genji, no one would touch Genji in fear of Hanzo interfering but now Genji did not feel the same protection.  

Perhaps Hanzo never even cared for Sojiro as Genji was always his favorite but that did not explain his current actions, how could Hanzo not even react he just sat there as if this was a relief.

Genji slammed his fist on to the table and stood up in anger. "Are you all crazy? My father has died and you haven't even told us how, where or why!" Genji bellowed in rage. 

Someone Genji recognized as his uncle stood up. "Of course Sojiro's Sparrow would complain about his death. He coddled you and protected you too much. Your father was a fool! Do you want to know how he Died? He died from attending the arms deal with the Deadlock gang. He was too cocky much like you Genji." Jiro said.

Genji looked at Hanzo when their eyes met Hanzo immediately looked away in shame. "Hanzo?" Genji practically begged to him. Hanzo stayed silent not even meeting Genji's.In his rage, Genji stormed out of the Shimada castle. 

It was now evening, and the streets of Hanamura were alive. Genji spent most of his time on theses streets. The people here were normal and accepted him more than his family and the only people in his family he could reside in were dead or changed. To fit the mood the gray night sky erupted into a storm drenching anyone in its path. Genji beelined to the nearest bar.

As usual, the bar reeked of booze and sweaty men. Today Genji could not care less he just needed a drink. Although Genji was only seventeen he managed to pull some strings and get alcohol, mainly because the bartender knew he was a Shimada.

"Oi! You, Shimada." A rather deep voice protruded from the sea of voices. Genji chose to ignore it. Genji was too tired to retaliate. "Are you death? I'm talking to you Genji." Genji suddenly recognized the voice, Yusei. Yusei was a massive man just older than Genji but twice as wide. Yusei hated the Shimada clan and rightfully so. The Shimada clan murdered his father when he interfered in a deal. One of the reasons Genji did not pursue in his Families actions. This was not the first time Genji had an encounter with Yusei but last time Hanzo was there to protect him. Not this time.

"Big brother is not here to save you this time," Yusei announced making some of the people in the bar laugh. However, one girl gave Genji a sympathetic look. 

"I'm not in the mood Yusei," Genji said but not in his usual cocky tone he was deadly serious. This only fed the smirk on Yusei's face.

"Do not worry I heard the bad news," Yusei said. Genji's head shot up locking gaze with Yusei."Poor old daddy died." Yusei's mocking tone only infuriated Genji. "I know what it's like to lose a father." Yusei tone turned serious. "My only regret is that I couldn't murder your father my self!"

Genji snapped. Immediately Yusei threw a punch that connected with Genji's nose. Genji almost fell to the floor. Regaining his footing Genji used his leg to sweep under Yusei and sent him to the floor. All around him people were cheering or booing. Genji still feeling aggravated kicked Yusei with all his might in hope to break a rib. From the recent scream, Genji realized he had accomplished his goal.

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