Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

We were gonna perform at So You Think You Can Dance. Tomorrow night. And tomorrow, was Friday. The day that I should decide what it was gonna be. And I had made my decision.

But today we are just planning on walking around the big building where it's all gunna happen. The big stage where we were gunna open the show with all of the dancers.

"Come on. Let's go watch the dancers." Louis suddenly said and already started walking off towards the rehearsal-room.

"Wait, Lou! We need to rehearse ourselves."

"Oh... Almost forgot!" And with that, we started heading towards the biggest stage here in the Arena. I greeted Paul and he gave me my mic. I walked up onto the big stage. Every time I came to a new place, or a new stage, I was so amazed. I have been to so many places. I met so many people. My fans are amazing. If you have to call this a job, then I love my job. And I don't want to do anything else.

We started singing the song Best Song Ever, and we were doing pretty well. It was halfway the song, when a few dancers came out of the changing room. They immediately froze the moment they saw us. One girl freaked out and started screaming. She was carried away by Paul when she tried to jump on the stage.

We finished quickly. After we played Best Song Ever, we decided to hang out in our dressing room. But when we were in the hallway, Simon stopped us.

"Boys! I have a great idea!" He smiled.

"Uh oh... I know that smile! It's something we don't like isn't it?" Louis said.

"Well..... I don't know. But it would be amazing if you would take my offer."

"Gosh, you are making me so nervous! Just say it!" Zayn practically shouted.

"Well... Would you guys like to do a little dance? Like, not goofy but serious."

"Oh no! No no no! Absolutely not!" I shook my head wildly as I turned down his offer.

"Oh come on! It could be fun!" Simon said.

"Well... Maybe we should give it a try..." Zayn, out of all the people, said.

"You think we should give it a try?!?!" Niall laughed.

"Yeah... I mean, the fans would love it. And you'll never know. Maybe it turns out pretty well..."

"Yeah... We could try it. But if we don't like it, we immediately stop!" I said.

"Deal!" Simon seemed happy.

"Boys?" I asked.

"Okay. We'll try to do it." The boys all agreed.

"Okay! Let's get you guys to work. You can watch the dancers first before we let you dance." Simon already lead us back down the hallway towards the big room where all the dancers were practicing for their big group performance tomorrow.

I walked into the room. The loud bass of the music filled my ears as a lot of sweaty body's moved to the rhythm. We sat down in the chairs on the left side of the room. The dancers were so into their dance, they didn't even notice we walked in. They were amazing. The way they moved their feet made me jealous. It all seemed to go so easily. The music came to an end as the dancers cheered and gave each other high fives. The choreographer hushed them and they immediately went silent.

"Guys! That was amazing! Now I want you to meet these boys." He pointed to us. The dancers turned around and all their eyes went wide. A few jaws even dropped.

"Come here!" The boy, who I assumed his name was Timor, shouted.

We walked to the front and waved a little awkwardly.

"You'll have to teach the first dance you've learned from me." Timor gave all of us a hand and smiled politely. I looked to my feet somewhat bored. Suddenly, two body's ran into the room.

"I'm sorry we were gone for so long. My ankle wouldn't stop bleeding.... Are we interrupting something?"

The voice sounded somewhat familiar to me. I looked up and saw who's voice sounded so familiar...

To be continued...

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