Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

Wow... I finally saw her again. After so many days, I saw her again. She looks even more beautiful then I remember. And the stupid thing was, all I could do was stare. I haven't said a word to her! Liam did. Am I really so shy that I can't even walk up to Noa and talk to her?! I always was confident enough to just start a conversation. But no... Not today. Not with her. I'm just afraid she might not like me. She might think I'm just an arrogant pop star. Because apparently, everybody does. Except for the fans of course. But... I shouldn't be afraid, right? She doesn't seem like somebody judgemental. But I'll never know if I'll never gunna talk to her! Come on, Harry! Don't be such a baby. You are a man. You are an adult. Not a little kid who hides himself behind his mother when he's too shy around people.

But now, we're here. About to start a dance-practice. I will probably trip over my own feet and fall flat on my face at least ten times. That's positive.

"Okay boys. Let's start then." Timor said. The sound of our own record, Best Song Ever, filled my ears.

"Just look at me and then I'll teach the moves step by step."

He began to dance and I immediately gave it up. This isn't gunna work.

He suddenly stopped and turned around to face us.

"I will show you how to do this!" He said with a big smile.

This is gonna be a long day....


"Yes! Good!" Timor shouted as he watched us. I slowly began to enjoy it. It wasn't my thing though, but the more I knew how to move, the more I actually liked it. But then, for the third time this day, I tripped and fell on my knees.

"Doesn't matter. Even with professionals, it happens all the time."

I just nodded and just moved on. And when the song came to an end, I was a little relieved. Even though I didn't do that bad, it was still exhausting. I strode towards the little table on the left side of the room to grab a water bottle. I took a long sip and leaned against the wall. I closed my eyes, letting myself calm down a bit. I heard someone beside me and I looked up. Louis was next to me, mirroring my current position. Water bottle in the left hand, the other in our pocket and casually leaning against the black wall.

"So.. I saw that girl... Noa, right?" He smirked.

"Yeah...." I felt myself blush. Still remembering her long, wavy hair and happy smile.

"Did you already talk to her?"

"No... I don't know man... I'm just afraid I'll screw it up."

"I understand. But you need to start some kind if conversation. I mean, it seems like you're really into this girl and that's only because of her looks."

"Am I?" I still don't really believe it though.

"Well, you look at her like she is a piece of pie so... I think so. But if you haven't talked to her.... How do you know she's a nice person?"

"It's something in her eyes I guess. I mean, they kinda make you feel... Comfortable. It feels like I know her already."

"Seriously Haz. You sound like a women right now."

"No... I just like her.... I think..."

"Well... Just do what you do and if you'll finally talk to her, ask her Fem's number." He added a wink and walked away smirking.

I just chuckled. His cheeky appeal was always something that the fans seemed to love. And it could be a bonus for him, if he wanted to seduce Fem. But I needed to talk to Noa. Otherwise, every time she would walk by, I would always stare at her like a freak. I wouldn't want that to happen.

"Hey Timor? Can I just change into another t-shirt? Mine is just completely soaked and sweaty." I asked him.

"Yeah mate! It's fine. Just be quick. We'll be practicing this one more time but then with singing. And later on, we'll be getting the dancers to rehearse it on the big stage."

"Got it!" I gave him a thumbs up and headed to the door.

"Wait! I'll come with you. My phone's in there and I don't really trust it..." Zayn said.

"Come back fast!" Timor reminded us.

"Yup! It isn't gunna be long!"

We walked into the little hallway.

"Hey Harry... Can I ask you something?" Zayn stopped me.

"Always! What is it?"

"Have you thought about that thing that Simon suggested?" Oh yeah... That.

"Yeah... Hasn't left my mind ever since I became aware of his little plan."

"Yeah mate! It's horrible they always let you do those sort of things."

"Yeah... What would everyone think?"

"I don't know. I think they are gonna react like they normally do."

"What should I do? I don't completely know yet."

He bit his lip while thinking.

"It's your choice. I can't decide. I mean, you could build up something really nice. But it could also turn out really bad."

"Yeah..... That's true. Well... Now, let's just get my shirt and your phone and get back to the rehearsal." Zayn said as we turned right and I opened the little black door. And what I saw next, caught me off guard...

To be continued....

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