Chapter 13

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Noa's POV

"Hey girls!!!!!!!!!" Timor greeted us. The moment we walked into that door, his face lit up. He opened his arms, waiting for us so he could finally embrace us in his comforting body warming hug. His smile is still there when he let us go.

"Why are you so extremely happy to see us?" I chuckled letting the little dimples in my cheeks pop into view. They weren't big but sometimes you just saw them.

"I don't know. I think because I just had a very good sleep. Oh... And you two always smile and when people smile, I'm happy as well."

"Well... That makes perfect sense!" Fem laughed showing her dimples as well. That was the only thing we had in common besides our blonde hair. From the outside, people wouldn't think we were cousins. But from the inside, we were the exact same except for a few things. But only a few.

"Well come on girls. Let's go find out what style you two are gunna dance and practice it. Oh! And we have a performance with all of the contestants tomorrow night. So we need to practice that a bit."

Fem and I nodded our heads and Timor said we needed to change into dancing-clothes because we needed to start practicing quickly. So Fem and I ran towards the changing rooms to get ready as quick as possible. I changed into shorts and a sports bra with a loose top over it. I waited for Fem to finish. She was normally the one who needed to wait for me, but this time I needed to wait for her. When she finished, we quickly made our way back to the dance-floor where our coach, Timor, was waiting for us with a folded card in his hand. A man with a big camera stood next to him recording our exiting faces.

"So girls. Do you wanna know what style you two are gonna dance?" Timor grinned.

"Don't let us wait! My stomach is making weird noises, my hands our trembling and I feel like throwing up in your face. I'm too kind to do that tough so please tell us before I make a fool out of myself in front of millions of people." Fem rambled as I bit my lip, trying to contain myself from laughing. Timor didn't make any attempt to stay quiet and started to laugh really loud.

"Well... If you are so curious, find out what you are gonna do." Timor handed me the card. I took a deep breath and unfolded the card. 'HipHop' was written in thick, black letters.

"Woohooooo!!!! HIPHOP!!!!!!" Fem shrieked as she flung her arms around my neck. This was so exiting! It's such an amazing style to dance! You can let all of your anger, excitement, energy and adrenaline out. Perfect for me!

"That should be good! I already picked a song and you are gonna dance to 'Move' by Little Mix."

"That's awesome!" I said.

"Now let's get started with you two! Since you aren't the easiest, we need to have some time."


"One last time!" Timor said. We worked our asses off for the past 2 hours working on the moves we had to do. It had gone pretty well. A little bit of struggling here and there but the rest was okay.

The music started to play once again as we did our thing. After 3 minutes the music was almost over. But just as we did the last move, I hit my ankle on the little table that stood in the corner of the room. Since the edges were pretty sharp, my ankle started to bleed very badly. The cut was quite big and deep, but it didn't hurt that much. I knew painfuller things.

"Oh gosh. We need to clean that up! Does it hurt really bad? Do we need to go to the doctor or maybe the hospital?" Timor asked worriedly.

"No I'm fine. I just need to clean it up and put some calming creme on it."

"Okay. The group rehearsal is starting soon so you two go to the changing room and clean your cut. Is it okay if I start practicing already?"

"Yeah it's okay! We just hop in later." I said as Fem and I walked towards the changing rooms. I immediately sat ran to the sink and grabbed a little towel. I held it under the cold water and sat down with it. Fem took the towel from me and dabbed the cut gently. I winced as it began to burn a little.

"Noa?" Fem suddenly asked.


She swallowed hard before she continued.

"How are things with you and Jason?" Her question shocked me a little.


"Really?" I saw tears welling up in her eyes. Did she knew something?


"Okay... Well, your cut is all cleaned up. We only need to smear some Nivea on it and we can go again." She got the little tube out of her hand-bag and dabbed it over the cut carefully.

"Come on. We need to practice!" I think she already forgot our conversation of 2 minutes ago. We quickly walked back to the dance floor. On my way I checked my text messages on my phone. When we came there I was texting my mom at what time she could pick us up.

"I'm sorry we were gone for so long. My ankle wouldn't stop bleeding.... Are we interrupting something?" I said still looking at my phone screen.

It was way to quiet for a rehearsal so I looked up and that's when I saw him. I looked into his sparkling green eyes and he took my breath away. His pink, pouty lips slightly parted. His hair was a little messy. All of the details I had dreamt of for the past few weeks were now in front of me. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he smiled a little. The few seconds felt, again, like hours. We were interrupted by Timor's voice.

"It doesn't matter. Is it all good now?" He walked towards me with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine. It hurts a little but I can dance."

"Okay. Well, I think you already know these guys?" He pointed at the five boys.

"Yeah... We know them. Right Fem?"

I looked at her. Her eyes were wide open and her jaw was dropped. I giggled a bit at her confused and surprised expression.

"Fem?" I whispered.

"Oh.... Yeah sorry! Yeah I know them!"

"Okay. They are gunna perform tomorrow night and we are their dancers." He came a bit closer so no one could hear us. "And since you two are the best, this dance would be easy for you."

He led us to the centre of the room and turned on the stereo. Best Song Ever blasted out of the speakers and Timor showed the dance. Fem and I thought it was very simple and when we did the dance, we immediately did it right. But for the whole time, I felt like somebody was watching me. I looked around me and saw Harry looking. I blushed a little and just continued.

"So that is enough for the dancers. You just have a rest and I decided that I will teach them the dance." Timor called. I reached for my water bottle and took a little sip. I sat down and rubbed my ankle.

"Are you okay?" I heard. I looked up and saw Liam looking down at me.

"Yeah... Just a bit sore that's all."

"Oh... That's good to hear. Well... Not good but you know what I mean. You dance great by the way."

"Thank you."

His name was called and he jogged over to his band members quickly. He gave a quick wave before walking into the small room behind Timor. Harry stared at me before walking in behind all the other boys.

"What the hell was that?"

Oh shit.

To be continued...

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