Chapter 10

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On their way back to the district, Sam drives to daycare so that Beth and Nate can pick Amy up. When they get to the daycare, there are three shops opposite the street with smoke pooring,  51 is clearing out. She picks her radio up from beside her and talks into it. 'Main, this is FBI Special Agent Samantha Voight, can you put me down for investigating at the Rainbow Medows Daycare Center?'

'Copy that.' The operator replies.

'Are you two OK to get a cab to the district, once you've picked Amy up?' Sam asks, turning back to Beth and Nate. 

'Yeah.' Beth nods. 

'Just be careful.' Sam tells them.

'You too.' Nate says. They get out of the car and whilst Nate and Beth head into the daycare center, Sam heads over to Boden. 

'Chief Boden.' Sam says. 'Is it exactly the same thing that happened when we first met?' 

'Yeah. Who called you?' Boden replies.

'No-one, I was dropping someone off at the daycare across the street.' She tells him. 'I'll call some agents, they'll come and collect evidence, if that's all right with you.' 

'Yeah.' Sam nods. 'Thanks Chief.' She then turns to walk away but Kelly shouts after her. 

'Sam!' Kelly shouts as he runs over to her. 'Can we talk?' He asks as he reaches her.

'Sure.' Sam nods. 

'Kelly.' Boden calls over to him and he looks behind to him. 'Take squad back to the firehouse, truck will finish off clearing up.' 

'Got it Chief.' Kelly responds. 'Meet me at the firehouse.' 

'See you in a bit then.' Sam smiles. She then walks over to her car and then drives to the firehouse. She pulls up just as squad arrive. She gets out and meets Kelly in the stalls. He leads her through to the common room. 'What can I do you for you?' 

'We got a call out to a jumper on Wabash Avenue Bridge bridge. It turned out to be Shaylynn, she was straddling the railing, she's fine but Butch and his guys turned up and took her away. I then had a meeting with General Biggs. He told me about Shaylynn's PTSD.'  Kelly starts. 'He told me that it's returned and now they won't tell me where she is. Hank already knows what's going on.' He sees that Sam looks pissed. She gets her phone out, dials a number and puts it to her ear. 'Who you calling?' 

'Butch.' Sam says.

'Hello.' Butch says.

'Where the fuck is my sister?' 

'Sam, she's getting the help that she needs.'

'Don't give me that shit Butch. Where is she?' 

'I can't tell you Sam.' 


'Sam. I can't tell you.' And with that, he hangs up.

'Son of a bitch.' Sam scowls as she puts her phone away. 'He won't tell me, but I will get her back for you.' 

'Thanks Sam.' Kelly nods.

'Hey, you're family. I'll do anything to protect my family.' Sam smiles. 'Just keep holding on. I know it's not easy given everything that has happened to her but she's a Voight. She can get through anything.' She continues. 'Call me if you need anything.' 

'Thanks.' Kelly smiles. They shake hands and she walks out. As she's passing the common room, Boden approaches to her. 

'Special Agent Voight.' He starts.

'Please, can me Sam.' Sam informs him. 

'I know you're busy with the case, but I was wondering if you'd advice my staff of what we should do when there is a call like today.' Boden asks.

'I can do it now.' Sam tells her. 

'That would be great.' Boden grins. He calls everyone into the meeting room, explains what Sam is going to tell them and then Sam takes the podium.

'If you get another call like the one today, from the time of the call, maybe before, you have roughly 10 minutes to search the building and get any casualties out before the three buildings explode. Normally, there isn't anyone in the buildings. As soon as you arrive on scene and see that there are three buildings, call the FBI counter-terrorism task force as soon as you can. That's all.' Sam explains. Everyone nods, thanks Sam and she leaves. 

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