Chapter 48

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Sam's eyes fill with tears of joy and she nods. Peter smiles, but the microphone down, stands and puts the ring on Sam's finger. Everyone claps and they share a kiss. Everyone claps and cheers some more. 'You hurt her and you'll be six foot under. Understand?' Shaylynn says to Peter.

'Shaylynn!' Sam exclaims. 'Play nice. He'll soon be your brother in law.' 

'Ugh.' Shaylynn groans. She looks at Kelly who has on eyebrow raised. 'I'm only joking. Welcome to the family Peter.' Shaylynn smiles. 

'My feet are killing me already!' Sam moans as she takes her shoes off. 

'That's why you don't wear heals whilst you're pregnant.' Shaylynn tells her. 

'Lesson learnt.' Sam laughs. 

'Congratulations.' Kelly grins.

'Thanks Kelly.' Peter says shaking Kelly's hand.

'No problem.' Kelly smiles. Peter then looks to the door and sees someone standing there. 

'Looks like someone's crashing the party.' Peter says. Sam then looks to the door. She recognises that it's Dr Hardy from Holby. 

'It's alright. I know him. Kind of.  He's one of the doctors that treated me in Holby. I'll go talk to him.' Sam says. She then walks over to him. 'Dr Hardy.' 

'Sam. Hi.' He smiles. 'Like I said in Holby, call me Ethan.'

'Shall we talk outside. It's a bit loud in here.' Sam asks and Ethan nods. They step outside. 'How come you're in Chicago?' She asks him.

'I need a new start. My brother has gone too far.' Ethan tells her.

'How do you mean?' Sam asks confused.

'He  stole my idea for cost cutting and blood transfusions, he stole £15,000 from me for a fake charity , he found out that we were adopted and didn't tell me, we had a dispute over a girl.' Ethan explains. 'I have Huntingtons.'

'Ethan, I am so sorry.' Sam comforts him as she puts her hand on his shoulder. Just then, Butch, Dave, Rob and Dan walk up. 

'Should we be worried Sam.' Dave asks. 

'Chill guys. I've made a pledge.' She says holding up her hand to reveal the ring on her finger.

'Congratulations.' The all say in unison. 

'Go on in. I'll be in in a minute.' Sam tells them. 

'And where are your shoes?' Butch asks looking down at Sam's feet. 

'Inside. I was stupid and decided to wear heels. My feet were killing me.' Sam explains. The four men then walk back inside. 'Sorry Ethan.'

'No, it's alright. You enjoy the rest of your night.' Ethan says going to walk away but she pulls him back. Just then Peter joins them. 

'Hey, you were gone for a while. I was getting worried.' He tells her.

'Peter this is Dr Ethan Hardy. He's from Holby. One of the doctor's that treated me. Ethan, this is Peter Stone, my fiancé.' Sam says introducing the two men. They shake hands. 'Where are you staying? Do you even have your things with you?' 

'Yeah, I sorted that before I came over. I've got a flat about 4 blocks from here. I looked you up on Facebook and saw that you come here regularly, I just thought I'd need a familiar face.' Ethan tells her. 

'How'd you remember me?' Sam asks confused. 

'It wasn't actually me. It was Charlie. He never forgets a face.' Ethan says. 'I'll let you get back to your party.' 

'Why don't you join us?' Peter asks. 

'I don't want to intrude.' Ethan responds. 

'Nonsense. Come on!' Sam exclaims. They all walk in. 'Have you got a job here yet?' 

'No. I'm sure I will do, I'm certified to practise medicine in America. I'm a full American Citizen now.' Ethan smiles.

'Wow. That must've taken you ages.' Peter says in astonishment and Ethan nods. 

'Come with me.' Sam says to Ethan. She leads him over to Ms Goodwin. 'Ms Goodwin. I hate to bring this up here, but this is Dr Ethan Hardy. He's an ED doctor from Holby, UK.' 

'Ah, right. A contact from Holby, Mr Henrik Hansen from Holby City Hospital called about you. He said he would be grateful if I offer you a job, and looking at your staff record, I'd be delighted to take you on board.' Sharon says. 

'I didn't even have to try.' Sam laughs. 'I'll leave you two to get acquainted.'



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