Chapter 51

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Peter gets up out of his chair when he sees Shaylynn and walks out to him. He then pulls Shaylynn aside. 'What took you so long?' He asks her.

'Traffic was a nightmare.' Shaylynn lies. 'How is she?'

'She's fine but they want to keep her in for about a week.' Peter replies.

'The baby?' 

'Still being examined. They said they will tell Sam first when they hear anything.' Peter tells her. Shaylynn then looks into the room. 

'Looks like she's awake.' Shaylynn says pointing into the room. Peter turns around and sees Sam trying to sit up, Hank helps her. Peter and Shaylynn walk in. 'Hey.'

'Hi.' Sam smiles back. A nurse from NICU then joins them. 

'Miss Voight, Mr Stone, I'm Nurse Leigh. You can call me Sasha.' Sasha smiles as she shakes Peter's hand then Sam's. 'Baby girl Stone is doing fine but do you have a name?' 

'We haven't really thought of a name.' Sam says. 

'Why don't I count to three and after three, you both say a name together?' Hank suggests. Peter looks at Sam who nods.

'Okay.' Peter nods.

'One. Two. Three.' Hank counts.

'Aimee-Leigh.' Sam and Peter say together. Hank and Shaylynn end up laughing.

'Aimee-Leigh it is.' Sam tells the nurse. The nurse then nods. 'When can we see her?' 

'It's a bit too early but you'll be able to see her tomorrow.' Sasha informs them. 'Your body needs to rest.' 

'Okay. Thank you.' Sam smiles. Sasha nods and leaves. There's a knock at the door and everyone turns to see Kelly standing there. 'Hey.' 

'Hey. How are you?' He asks. 

'Good.' Sam nods. 

'I hope you don't mind but everyone from 51 wanted to come. We've all just come off shift anyway.' Kelly says. 

'No. I don't mind at all. Come on in.' Sam grins. The room soon starts filling with some of her closest friends that it's becoming a bit squashed. 

'How is baby girl Stone?' Gabby asks.

'Aimee-Leigh is just fine.' Peter tells them. Everyone sighs with relief but it takes them a few seconds to register that Peter just said the name of the baby. 

'Awww.' They all say together.

'That's a great name.' Hermann tells them. A doctor notices that the room is getting crowded so she walks in.

'Hate to break this up but the room is getting crowded and Miss Voight needs her rest.' The doctor tells everyone. Sam rolls her eyes at this, she hates being called Miss Voight. Everyone says their goodbyes and leave. As the last of them are leaving, Sam gets an alert on her phone. She picks it up from the side table and looks at it.

From: Butch

Shaylynn knows.



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