Chapter 02: Memories

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Sans softly put Serifa back to bed, covering her with the blankets. He wasn't confused anymore. He knew exactly what his feelings for her were.

-So...even skeletons fall in love, huh? he thought to himself. Well, I shouldn't be surprised, really. My brother has been in love with himself since he was born, after all.

He chuckled and looked at Serifa. Seeing her innocent sleeping face made him smile. He caressed her cheek, when he realised she was burning with fever.

-Oh,poor you... he said softly, kissing her forehead. Hang in there, I'llbe back.

He went downstairs, picking up some medicine and a cold compress, then headed back and put the compress on her forehead.

-I'll have to make her something to eat too... I can't give her the food from Grillby's at the state she is in.

But Sans never learned how to cook properly. After all, he always ate at Grillby's. However, he had watched Papyrus making spaghetti countless times. How hard could it be?

The answer came to him as soon as he touched the stove. He didn't know neither the proper amounts of pasta and meat to use, nor the right temperature or time for boiling. He had no choice but to play it by ear. In the end, after hours of trying, he managed to make some spaghetti of questionable taste.

-Yup,the food at Grillby's might have been a better choice after all! he laughed at himself.

He headed upstairs, only to find Serifa had woken up.

-Oh,hey there...Sorry I left you alone. I..? Serifa's voice was considerably more stable this time, but still pretty weak.

-At my house, of course! But eat first, you need some medicine and you can't take it with an empty stomach.

Sans helped her sit up on the bed, then sat next to her and started feeding her the pasta.

-It's my first time cooking...sorry for the bad taste.

-At this point, this food is saving my life Sans... Do you think I care about taste? I'm just grateful to you...

-So...what happened to you? I found you at Waterfall's entrance, and you were looking pretty beat up. had me worried, you know...

Sans blushed a bit.

-I met two of these Royal Guard guys you told me about... I didn't know at first, so I went too close to talk to them. But, when they took out their swords, I just knew I had to scram. I started running. And,suddenly, I felt a piercing pain on my back. I can't explain what it was, but it hurt a lot.

-I did check your back... It was probably a magical attack that got you.You're lucky it didn't hit a vital organ or something.

-Well,it hurt so much, I felt paralysed for a second. I lost my balance and fell right on my face. They managed to reach me and attack me from above with their swords.

-And how did you get out of that?

-Well,I see you did patch my hand wounds, so you can imagine.

-I can't really...

-I had to grab and push back both the swords to prevent them from reaching me. These guys were strong, so, I held onto them pretty tight for a while...

-Wait,you grabbed the swords by their blades?


-Ouch!the mere thought of that gave Sans goosebumps. I can't imagine how that hurt... No wonder your hands are so messed up. You're a tough one, I must say.

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