Chapter 13: Inner Power

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Once again, Sans woke up next to the sleeping Serifa. Thankfully, the damage his arm had taken in the previous timeline had disappeared. It did feel a bit sore, but he had no problem moving it. He summoned as mall magical bone just to test it, and nothing seemed wrong with his powers, either.

His last experience had made Sans realise something significant. If he was to make any plans to save Serifa, they had to work together. He couldn't tell her about her deaths of course, but she at least needed to know she was in danger.

He also realised that he had to make an important decision. It was apparent that, if they had to, the Royal Guards weren't going to go easy on him just because they were acquaintances. The pain on his arm was proof of that. That could only mean one thing: he had to fightback. He didn't want to do it. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He would try to avoid it as much as possible.

He looked at Serifa. She was sleeping so peacefully. He felt really guilty for having to wake her and tell her such a scary truth, but it was the only way.

-Serifa... Wake up, darling. he shook her.

-Good morning Sansy... she yawned.

-Sweetheart...I need to tell you something.

-Can'tit wait..? I wanna sleep more... she complained.

-I'm sorry... It can't.

Serifa reluctantly sat up, stretching and rubbing her eyes.

-You have my attention... she mumbled, still sleepy.

-You...How do I say this... You are in danger.

-What do you mean...?

-Right now, outside the house, there are two Royal Guards. They know you're here and are waiting for a chance to...

-...To kill me... Serifa looked really sad. I guess...that's it. It was fun while it lasted...

-What are you saying? We will find a way to save you!

-Okay, maybe we'll escape from these two...then what?

-Undyne, the head of the Royal Guard is a close friend of mine and Paps. I'm sure that, if we talk with her, we can persuade her.

-I'm not so sure about this...

-Please,sweetheart... Don't give up before we even try...

Sans's eyes teared up as he looked down. He had been through too many timelines already. He, himself had felt desperate a handful of times.And, as soon as Serifa learned the truth, she was ready to surrender.If this was going to work, he needed her support more than anything.

Serifa noticed how Sans's mood went downhill.

-A-Alright...Let's...try our best, okay?

-Yes...let's do that. Sans smiled, but the doubts had already taken over him.

They decided to stay in the house, making absolutely no noises and not responding to the bell. Maybe this way the Guards would think they weren't there and would eventually leave.

They were in Sans's bed together, hugging each other and holding hands,when they heard the bell for the first time. They held onto each other tighter, as the bell kept ringing.

-Sans!Are you in there?

They both stayed still, fearing that making even a single movement would give them away.

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