Chapter 00 (Extra) - A Fated Encounter

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It was a cold day. It was snowing and the air was freezing. Sans was sitting at his post in Snowdin forest, bored as usual. He had been drinking ketchup all day, looking at the falling snow. Nothing new was happening. Every day, same place, same view. Ice Drake would come from time to time and they would enjoy some puns together, but that was about all the amusement he would ever get.

As he was opening a new bottle of ketchup, Sans noticed a figure coming from the distance. He couldn't recognise who or even what it was. He decided to hide behind the trees and watch closely.

Soon,it became clear what that mysterious figure was. It was a human, a girl to be exact. She was wearing a pink ballerina costume and dancing around while walking. Sans immediately thought she was crazy.

He had to kill her. It was the perfect chance -she was unaware and in her own world. Easy victim. Then again, that would be boring. He decided to have a little fun first. He teleported behind her and suddenly grabbed her shoulders.

-BOO! He shouted, making the girl scream and quickly turn around.

-Y-You scared me!

-Yup, my intention! he chuckled.

-That was so mean! she said angrily.

-Wow, you've got some nerve there girl. Is that how you greet a new pal?

-You didn't exactly greet me properly either... Anyway, sorry for being rude.

-I'm surprised, actually. Most people would run screaming once they saw me. Being a skeleton and all.

-Wait, you're a real skeleton? That isn't a costume?

-Nope, I'm 100% skeleton.

-Wow, that's so...exciting! she sounded fascinated. Were you born this way? Or you were a human that died? And how do you stand without muscles? And, you eat? And how do you think? Do you have a brain? I mean you must have, you're talking logically. Wait, how do you even talk without a tongue? And-

-Whoooah, whoah, slow down there girlie!! Sans laughed. What's your name?

-I'm Serifa. What about you?

-The name's Sans.

-Well, nice to meet you! Serifa offered her hand.

Sans reluctantly shook her hand, when he heard her stomach rumble. She turned a bit red with shame.

-Are you hungry?

-W-Well...I haven't eaten since yesterday, so...

-Wanna have a meal? My treat.

-You don't need to-

-You don't have any gold, right? At this rate, you'll starve. Just come with me.


They started walking towards Snow din. Sans wasn't sure why he hadn't killed her already. ''I guess I'm too bored to let her go so soon'', he thought to himself.

-So, how do you...exist as a skeleton? It doesn't make much sense...

-Let's just's all thanks to magic.


-Yes, magic.

-I thought magic didn't exist...

-Well, monsters are made out of magic. Am I the first one you meet?

-I did meet a few other...weird creatures, but none of them were skeletons...

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