Chapter 06: He Forgot I Existed

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Serifa woke up on the couch in the living room. Sans had already woken up and had placed her head in his arms, making her sleeping position more comfortable.

-Good morning Sans...

-<Bonejour> sweetheart!

-Seriously...? Serifa yawned, rubbing her eyes. I wake up and this is the first thing I hear?

-Ah...One day, you will laugh at my day... Anyway, how did you sleep?

-Well enough I suppose...What about you? You departed for dreamland quite early last night.

-Yeah,I was tired...hadn't slept a lot the previous night.


-Anyway,want some breakfast? I can make you a <sanswich> if you like.

-Show some mercy, I just woke up! Serifa almost chuckled.

-Ok, ok, I'll just go make it for you.

Sans went to the kitchen, leaving Serifa loll a bit more. He soon came back with a sandwich and two bottles of ketchup.

-Come on, get up <lazy-bones>! Breakfast is ready!

-I swear, if you make one more pun...

She got up and started biting on her sandwich.

-What's all that ketchup for?

-Oh,that's just my breakfast. Want some?

-No,thanks...wait, where are you gonna put all that ketchup?

-I'm just gonna drink it.

-You have to be kidding me right now.

-Nope!Sans exclaimed, opening a bottle of ketchup and drinking it within seconds.

Serifa was shocked.

-HOW?How do you even manage to do that?

-Heh! I guess I'm up to the challenge!

-Oh really? Let me try then!

Serifa grabbed the other ketchup bottle and started drinking, giving up almost instantly.

-I'm never trying that again unless I wanna throw up!

-More for me then! Sans smiled, emptying the second bottle.

-I seriously don't know how you're doing this...! How much ketchup do you even consume every day?


-....You have a serious problem.

Sans laughed and wrapped his arm around Serifa's waist, hugging her softly.

-Say...wouldn't it be awesome if this could last forever..? Sans looked up. can last if you want it... replied Serifa, kissing Sans' cheek.

-You are gonna have to leave sooner or later... Sans's voice got sadder, as he looked down.

-I...want to stay...

-That's impossible. They are looking for you... You're in danger here.

-Didn't you tell me that the only way out is the king's castle? If I got here...they will find me anyway, won't they?

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