Chapter 3- memories

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Belle pov

The ride was bumpy and long, I felt like I had people staring at me. witch I probably was. The car came to a fast stop and I was sent flying forward hitting the back of a seat. I heard some whispering going on then I feel someone rip the duck tape off my mouth and put a cloth back over it.

I knew exactly what it was, it was a drug. I tried to hold my breath as long as I could but failed. I slowly breathed in the drug and I quickly fell asleep.

** who knows how long after**

I heard whispering in the room I was in but I couldn't open my eyes. they felt really heavy.

JC pov

"It's been a while since she was last awake, do you think she is okay?" I ask Connor

"Yeah I'm sure she's fine" he says

"Why did we kidnap her again?" I asked taking a look at her

"JC don't you remember, she saw something she shouldn't have." Kian said

"But what if she didn't and we were wrong?" Trevor said

"I know she saw" Kian stated

Belle pov

"I know she saw" one of them said

I know exactly what I saw

Flashback to a week ago:

It was late at night and I was walking down the street. in the distance I heard I big loud bang, but being a stupid one I thought it was a car door. I kept walking and then I heard the noise again.

But way closer.

I turned to my left and right in front of my eyes were those six boys. that's why I said I recognized them from somewhere. Four of them were smoking something and the other 2 were holding a gun pointing it at the dead body on the ground. I was frozen in fear.

My ringtone went off and they all looked at me. at one time they all started chasing after me. I ran as fast as I could and a few times I felt a hand brush up against my wrist, but I soon made it far ahead.

I was to afraid to tell anyone what happened, never told my best friend, never told the cops.

End of flashback.

Hey pumpkins

Thank you for reading

And hope you liked this chapter

I'll try and update soon

Bye pumpkins

- Erica :)

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