chapter 7- learning

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Hi guys just wanted to say long chapter ahead :) enjoy!

And it's weird Haha

belle pov

"ok so first store is disguise clothes" Ricky says

"since we mainly do robbery and like sneaking in and stuff like that you'll need all black clothes" JC says

so we had into the store and i see all these different racks of clothings all categorized by the crime. we head over to the robbery section and there are all kinds of merchindise.

"go wild, but remeber all black" sam says

i look at all the things they have and the first thing that catches my eye, a black hoodie. i take my size and notice black ripped skinny jeans, I also take my size in those. I grab some black shiny combat boots, a black beanie.

I give the boys a look of approval and they nod their heads in return

I go try on the clothes and walk back out. JC's jaw was the first to drop

"Close your mouth you don't want to catch flies" I say to JC

He quickly closes it and blushes, then we pay for the clothes and head to self defense.

"How you feeling" Trevor asks me

"I have weak muscles, I'm scared, I don't want to die" I say

"It isn't do bad" he insists

I just shrug my shoulders. WAIT! why am I still here I could have ran away ages ago. oh we'll I have a plan...

We head into the self defense and I am hit with a strong scent of sweat. They sign me in and a trainer comes up to me.

"Okay follow me" he says we all follow him to the back corner of the store and I see a foam mat hanging on the wall.

"Punch it as hard as you can" the trainer says

I punch the mat and the foam goes in about 3in. deep

"Not bad" the trainer says

We finish the rest of the training and we get scored up to see how good we are and they chart it

"And you are 950" he says

"Is that good or bad?" I ask

"It's in the middle 3,000 points under us" Conner says

We'll then.

"At least you learned how to do the job and how to fight" JC says

"C'mon let's go to armor" Kian says

When we enter we get a bunch of knives, ropes, handcuffs, duct tape, every thing I saw in the back of their pick up before the blindfolded me.

We start walking home and now I take my chance.

I punch JC and Kian in the gut making them crouch down. the rest of the boys charge towards me and I kick Sam in the gut and Conner in the gut as well. Trevor comes at me and kick him in both legs making him fall. then last but not least I kick Ricky in the spot no man wants to get kicked and I run I way.

I turn around and JC and Kian are hot on my trail. I take a left into the woods and run ducking and jumping over and under branches.

I soon see a tall tree and I climb it. I stop at the highest I could go and look down

JC and Kian looked almost scared to be here

"Belle! get down this is the haunted area oh the woods!" Kian yells

"Yea bell hurry and get down!" JC yelled

"Guys I'm not falling for it!" I yelled back

I hear more foot steps and the rest of the boys have showed up.

I ignore them yelling my name and I turn my head back to the branch in front of me.

I soon jump of fear. The tree starts getting carved. I'm not doing and I see no arm carving it. after a few seconds I can make out the words.

"Look up"

I look up and see they creature staring at me with such beautiful blue eyes. they slowly close their eyes and open back up revealing a pit of black.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I scream

The figure jumps down and almost lands on top of me, but I move out of the way by rolling over. my head soon comes in contact with a branch and I get dizzy. The rest of me slowly falls while hitting various branches.

I don't know what happened but I landed in JC's arms.

"JC put her down! if she was so strong a couple of minutes ago she can handle this" Ricky says

He sets me down on my two feet and I quickly fall.

I see JC bend over, wanting me to get on his back. so I do and we walk back home, no one talking.


Hey pumpkins

Erica here

I hoped you liked this chapter

And thanks for reading

Bye pumpkins

-Erica :)

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